Monday, September 21, 2009

A Greater Threat Than Zombies...XD

If there was one game that brought my inner zombie hunter to life in the best way possible, it would be Valve's undead shooter, Left 4 Dead. It's the kind of First Person Shooter that leaves a satisfying taste on one's mouth after mowing through legions of the infected and doing what you can to survive and come out in one piece. Now, we know that L4D 2's coming around soon... maybe a little bit too soon for one's comfort, but there are still tons of fans who play the original game, and are anxiously tweaking and modding it to better satisfy their cravings while waiting for the next update with more official scenarios to play through. One such mod I came across in You Tube surprised the HELL out of me... and gave me a really good laugh at the same time.XD

Combine L4D and this:

What do you get? THIS:

Face it, what would you consider as the greater evil? Zombies or the Teletubbies? I'd gun for the latter anyday, bwahahaha!XD Good job to Flameknight7 for making a wonderful mod that speaks volumes... and tubby carnage.XD


  1. I find this as an odd comparison because the Teletubbies freak me out. Have you ever turned the TV on mute while watching TeleTubbies? They look like evil pagans worshipping the sun by sacrificing Lala.

    And I really want to play more L4D. I can't wait to try my skilllz on the Dawn of the Dead mod.

  2. Same!XD Give me the Monroeville Mall anyday!XD
