Monday, September 28, 2009

Super Street Fighter IV! It's Official!

Word does travel around fast in the net... but then again, what's new?XD

Via a link at Destructoid, it seems we get an early look at Super Street Fighter IV! With the official announcement still arriving tomorrow, a gaming site has uploaded what appears to be THE actual SSFIV screenshots, with new characters in action! One of them is an old veteran, the native American warrior T.Hawk! And lookie here... a new female babe character named Juri!

Also, it seems the Ultra/ Revenge Combo meter has changed color... from yellow to green! Some of the cats may be out of the bag early, but let's just wait for the official announcement to come in tomorrow. Find more images at the gaming site JV247. Right now, I'm impressed! Again... BRING IT, CAPCOM!XD


  1. It's funny how they jumped straight to SUPER and skipped on every iteration we've come to know in between (Turbo, Championship Edition, etc.)

  2. Well, it would make sense, since Street Fighter II only added more characters in their "SUPER" update all those years ago.

  3. What an awesome and exciting game, I love the graphics, this game has good quality as much as the viagra pills.
