Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Capcom Also Wants Street Fighter IV On The PSP!

Most of us know by now that Street Fighter IV is heading to the iPhone next month, but would it be a surprise to hear that Capcom is also interested in a PSP version of the game too?

As reported on Destructoid, Capcom's Natsuki Shiozawa said she wants a PSP version of SFIV, and many of her colleagues expressed the same interest. So yes, there is a possibility that we'll be seeing Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and crew make the jump to Sony's portable gaming platform, joining the many numerous fighting game titles already available for the system such as Tekken 6, Soul Calibur, and soon to be released BlazBlue. As someone who enjoys the PSP and considers the portable a good system for fighting games, I don't think it's impossible to make the game a reality. Namco was able to scale down and bring a pretty neat translation of Tekken 6 to PSP, so why not the same with this game? Please Capcom, bring SFIV to the PSP!

1 comment:

  1. As I explained over on X-ism, just because someone from Capcom says they "wants" to see something doesnt mean it will. Nothing but PR spin to keep fans happy. If Capcom truly was interested in SFIV for PSP, they would have made it a long time ago and would not have put resources into making a version for the iPhone.
