Sunday, June 6, 2010

Captain America Update: The First Teaser Poster?!

A few days ago, we already saw concept art of Chris Evans in his Captain America costume and Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Now, via, the first teaser poster of Captain America: The First Avenger has reportedly surfaced... and it looks pretty darn good too! Take a look!

"When Patriots Become Heroes..." Oh my god... THIS LOOKS AWESOME ALREADY!

While this may look pretty authentic enough, take note, this hasn't been confirmed yet, and Marvelousnews got the scoop from JoBio, who also posted the aforementioned concept art images of Cap and Thor. Well, we'll know in a few days time what this means, but so far I'm liking what I see. The shield is always a classic!

Captain America: The First Avenger debuts on July 22, 2011! Freedom Prevails, Soldier!


  1. marvel has been on a roll lately :D

  2. I hope this poster is the genuine article. It looks good and fine, but I'll still wait for the official word to come out.
