Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Deadpool 2: Ryan Reynolds and Team Deadpool make some hilarious marketing materials

As the film prepares to make its debut next week with new characters, more action, and plenty of insanity - 20th Century Fox, Marvel, and Ryan Reynolds have upped the ante in promoting the craziness that is "Deadpool 2" by releasing some new and hilarious marketing materials that make fun of certain things - INCLUDING the fact that Hugh Jackman's Wolverine/ Logan bit the dust last year and this new DP2 poster makes a bold statement emphasising just that.

Via his Facebook page also, Deadpool actor and star Ryan Reynolds also releases this note on his Facebook page that pretty much makes fun of the #ThanosDemandsYourSilence note Avengers: Infinity War directors The Russo Brothers release, opting for his own #WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryStupidAutoCorrectSilence. :))

Deadpool 2 hits theaters on May 16 in the Philippines and May 18 in the US!

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