Movie blog site Screen Rant has just posted the first images of Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell, as Steve Rogers and his love interest Peggy Carter respectively, while shooting on the set of next year's star spangled superhero flick -
Captain America: The First Avenger!

Minus the funny feet you see in Evans' soles in the pic above, he has clearly bulked up and trained to be physically fit to play the role of Steve Rogers, and his hairstyle has even changed to conform to the demands of the character's look and appearance!

With all the training and results made to look the part, I'm certainly impressed with what I see, and this only reinforces my faith in Chris' ability to act and do the Cap role justice.

Hayley Atwell plays Peggy Carter - friend and love interest to Chris Evans' Steve Rogers/ Captain America. She looks pretty convincing with that WWII Era style uniform and hairstyle, and one has to imagine what kind of chemistry these two will in the final cut of the film itself. Time will tell for sure, but for now, more news, bits, and pictures on the photos can be found at
Screen Rant's post itself!
Captain America: The First Avengers throws its mighty shield to cinemas on July 22, 2011!
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