Sunday, April 5, 2020

Happy Birthday to Iron Man, Robertt Downey Jr.!

While the world is dealing with trying times right now, we still honor and celebrate some important special days - including the birthday weekend of one of the most talented and prolific actors of the modern age, Robert Downey Jr.!

Celebrating his 55th birthday this April 4th, the man is a perfect example of a guy who literally turned things around and made a comeback in his life and Hollywood career, with his most memorable role being the Armored Avenger himself - Iron Man! Playing the lead role of Tony Stark, he's been at the start of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with 2008's "Iron Man", serving as the figurehead that rallied up the rest of the superheroes and being one of the founding members of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers. Through the course of ten films, RDJ's portrayal and character evolution as Iron Man has gained a lot of fans and given the character new recognition and prominence in popculture - as well as making the ultimate sacrifice to save the world and bring back the heroes lost to Thanos in last year's "Avengers Endgame". In fact, last year's D23 Expo saw a little "We Love You 3000" Iron Man poster drawn by the one and only Ryan Meinderding - a fitting tribute to the legacy of the character who began the MCU!

(Marvel) Tony Stark | You can rest now

Beyond the role of Iron Man, RDJ is also quite busy with other endeavors and roles, having just starred as Dr. Dolittle in this year's "Dolittle" and possibly returning as Sherlock Holmes in a new sequel film alongside Jude Law. However, he's slated to play the role of Tony Stark/ Iron Man again and make an appearance in the upcoming "Black Widow" solo film headlined by Scarlett Johansson. 

Happy Birthday, RDJ! We Love You, 3000!

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