Monday, February 29, 2016

Batman v Superman: "Stay Down" clip & "Deleted Footage" premiere on Jimmy Kimmel Live

It's Leap Year Day this year and The Oscars have just wrapped up and declared new winners and best pictures (congratulations Leonardo DiCaprio on The Revenant and Sam Smith on "Writing's On The Wall" for Spectre)... But the year is still full of surprises and blockbusters that have yet to premiere and show themselves on the stage floor, and among them is the DC Films epic that is Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

During this week's "After The Oscars" episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, a brand new clip from BvS premiered, showing off Superman giving a hard warning to an Armored Batman, who isn't intimidated by the Last Son of Krypton's power at all.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) New Footage Clip 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'

Afterwards, there was another "Deleted Scene" clip that premiered on the show, which had Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck reprising their roles as Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne alongside Jimmy Kimmel himself (and a surprise).

Deleted Scene from "Batman v Superman” Starring Jimmy Kimmel

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25th in the US.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Batman v Superman: Doritos prequel comic

Continuing the promotion wheel building up to the release of the movie, a new sneak peek for a new Doritos exclusive digital prequel comic for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" has been released online. Yahoo! has the first few pages up, and it shows Batman/ Bruce Wayne and Alfred in the Batcave monitoring the presence of Superman the news feed

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25th in the US.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Pokemon turns 20 years today! Happy Pokemon Day!

The video game world celebrates today, as Pokemon - the ingenious creation of one Satoshi Tajiri and owned by The Pokemon Company, turns 20 years today - honoring a legacy that has spanned through several games where Pokemon Trainers capture different types of creatures to train and do battle against one another in a worldwide arena that holds infinite possibilities and pure combat fantasy!

Since its inception in February 27, 1996 with a game called Pocket Monsters Red and Green for the original Nintendo Game Boy, what would be known as "Pokemon" see the first game revised and ported to the US in 1998 as "Pokemon Red and Blue", before getting a rereleased enchanced version with "Pokemon Yellow". That would then start a chain reaction that saw the fanbase grow and the game evolve into a lucrative media franchise, extending itself beyond games and expanding into trading card games, toys, anime series, movies, and much much more.

The most recognizable Pokemon and ultimately the franchise's mascot would be Pikachu - the yellow tiny creature that has electric powers. The character has appeared alongside its master and trainer Ash Ketchum since the original Pokemon animated series that started in 1997. Their adventures and partnership are legendary and awe inspiring, as is that catchy intro song.

Pokemon Original Intro

With two new installments coming out later this year in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon for the Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon's legacy is indeed intact and getting more followers and fans each day. Happy 20th Anniversary Pokemon... I Choose You!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 coming to PS4 and Xbox One

Just in time for the 20th Anniversary of one of video games most enduring action horror franchises, Capcom has announced that they will be rereleasing the "Survival Action" installments of the Resident Evil/ BioHazard franchise, namely RE 4, RE 5, and RE 6, for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One! The games will be released in reverse order, with the last numerical chapter Resident Evil 6 being the first to come out next month!

Check out the announcement trailer here.

Resident Evil 4, 5, 6 – Announce Trailer

Resident Evil 6 arrives for PS4 and Xbox One on March 29th, while Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 4 later on towards the year.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Throwback Thursday: 30 Years of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns...

About 30 years have passed since one of the most important and genuine works in comic book history, The Dark Knight Returns, burst into the picture and brought back something that was sorely lacking for a time... A Batman who was, for all intents and purposes, THE DARK KNIGHT. Putting together a story of an older Bruce Wayne who was well past his prime yet still burning with the desire to make a difference and stand against crime and injustice, Frank Miller set the bar in depicting a Batman that not only embraced his mission again, but also returned to his dark roots and didn't hesitate to instill fear and intimidation to those who preyed on the innocent.

Published as a four issue miniseries beginning in February 1986, The Dark Knight Returns forever changed the landscape of comics as we knew it then and how we know it now. It not only defined Batman for a generation and inspired his portrayal in several mediums and films like Tim Burton's Batman films and Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, but it also serves as the DIRECT INSPIRATION behind the upcoming DC Films' epic "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", where Ben Affleck plays a more hardenered, older, and experienced Batman than anything depicted in film.

In fact, the regular Batsuit and Batarmor were inspired by The Dark Knight Returns, and taking on Supes is directly lifted from the last chapter of that graphic novel saga, "The Dark Knight Falls".

With a new sequel series currently running in Dark Knight III: The Master Race, attention and focus is clearly directed at this classic and its influence on BvS. We'll just have to wait and see what happens on March 25th between the Last Son of Krypton and Dark Knight on film, but for now we honor 30 years of TDKR... Happy Anniversary, The Dark Knight Returns!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sadako vs Kayako announcement trailer released

2016 is truly the "year of the versus battles" between iconic figures in pop culture and Japan isn't pulling any punches in their line-up of characters to fight against each other either, as The Ring and The Grudge/ Ju-On's own horrific creatures prepare to do battle against one another in the upcoming "Sadako vs Kayako" crossover horror film!

Here's the announcement trailer below via Kadokawa and NBC Universal Japan, which gives a small taste of the horror to come.

Sadako vs Kayako announcement trailer

Sadako vs Kayako comes out in Japanese theaters on June 18.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Batman v Superman: New character posters and Trailer "Supercut" released online

Hitting theaters next month and with fans full of excitement and anticipation of the battle to come, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have released additional character posters for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, featuring Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, and Amy Adams reprising her role from Man of Steel as Lois Lane.

The new character posters (via Superherohype) are styled the same way as the "DC Films Trinity" of posters, with each character accompanied by a symbol that corresponds to their respective companies/ affiliates.

Additionally, a fanmade "Supercut" of all existing TV Spots and Trailers has been put together by a fan in YouTube, which is more or less chronological and shows the events leading up to the epic DC Films confrontation to come.

Batman v Superman Supercut v3 - All trailers (Chronological)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in theaters on March 25, 2016.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Captain America: Civil War: Empire covers and "Road to Civil War" supercut trailer released

2016 is the big superhero showdown year, and one of the most anticipated conflicts will be between two factions of Avengers - one led by Captain America and the other Iron Man as Marvel Studios asks whose side are you on in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with this coming summer's "Captain America: Civil War".

To promote the film, Empire Magazine has released two exclusive looks at the cover to their upcoming April 2016 magazine highlighting the first film of "Phase 3", which shows that both Cap and Iron Man will truly be at odds with one another no matter the personal cost.

Additionally, this fantastc "Road to Civil War" supercut trailer was released by MCU Exchange, highlighting important events that have happened thus far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

MCU Supercut - The Road to Civil War

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6, 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Batmobile Promo released

Giving another look at the sleek new ride that will debut alongside the brand new Dark Knight of the Big Screen that is Ben Affleck, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have released a brand new short promo clip for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which shows Batman driving The Batmobile through a pretty tight space that's reminiscent of the Batman: Arkham Knight action sequences.

Via Coming, here's the clip of the action sequence.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in theaters on March 25, 2016.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Marvel releases interior artwork preview for "Civil War II"

In what is certainly one of the most ambitious sequels to come as the event that it follows up on happened a decade ago, Marvel has released the first interior art for "Civil War II", which will be done by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez, and Justin Ponsor. The artwork above features a mix of the characters now headlining the "All-New, All-Different" Marvel Universe post Secret Wars, with the likes of Thor/ Jane Foster, Spider-Man/ Peter Parker, Captain Marvel, War Machine, The Inhumans, and more. The premise will see Iron Man and Captain Marvel/ Carol Danvers at odds... And one can only imagine how this will change the landscape of the MU as we know it.

Civil War II begins on May with Free Comic Book Day's sampling of the event in Civil War II #0.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: First look at Stephen Amell as "Old Oliver Queen"

Looks like Oliver Queen is going to look worse for wear, as The Green Arrow himself Stephen Amell shared via his official Facebook page a look at his "Old Oliver Queen" in The CW's newest superhero show "DC's Legends of Tomorrow", in which the time-travelling team find themselves in the year 2046 where Star City is a shadow of its former self.

Via Comic, here's another look at ol' Oliver up close, sporting the beard and looking rougher than ever. Catch what happens in the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow episode "Star City 2046" next week.

 DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs every Thursdays on The CW.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Arrow: "Taken" promo released

Looks like The CW will be ramping up their DC TV Universe expansion plans next week, as the upcoming new episode of "Arrow" will FINALLY introduce the live-action incarnation of the network's take on Vixen, who will be played by the same actress who voiced her in the animated webseries of the same name in Megalyn E.K!

Check out the promo to next week's "Taken".

Arrow 4x15 Promo "Taken"

Arrow airs every Wednesdays on The CW.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: First official cast photo released

Via his official Facebook page, director James Gunn has announced to the world that principal photography for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" has begun, which will reunite Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Drax the Destroyer, and Baby Groot on a new adventure in outer space! The director also released the first cast photo of the group - all lined up and stepping out of the light!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will be released on May 5, 2017!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Street Fighter V is out now! Listen to "Rise Up" by Del the Funky Homosapian, Murs, FaShawn, and more!

Well ladies and gents... The day is finally here... STREET FIGHTER V IS NOW OUT FOR PS4 AND PC, and fighters who have been patiently waiting to "Rise Up" and take on the new challenge can now purchase the game online or physically to get their brawler needs satiated! In the meantime before you start kicking ass, listen to the official rap theme for the game in "Rise Up", feat. Del the Funky Homosapian, Murs, Fashawn, Quest Love, Black Thought and Domino!
Street Fighter V: Rise Up MV

This adds another layer of rappin' to the Street Fighter franchise since SF III 3rd Strike!

Street Fighter V is now available for PS4 and PC!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Daredevil Season 2: First official full length trailer released

Immediately after announcing that a new trailer would drop one month before the new season premieres, Marvel and Netflix have released the first official full length trailer for Daredevil Season 2... Which highlights the long awaited first look of The Walking Dead star and Shane Walsh actor Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle... Aka The Punisher!

Marvel's DAREDEVIL Season 2 - Official Trailer #1

Marvel's Daredevil Season 2 will premiere on March 18 on Netflix.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Birthday, Ken Masters!

Ryu's Eternal Rival. Master of the Flaming Shoryuken. The U.S. Martial Arts Champion.

Whatever you call him or if you know him as the "other Shoto guy", Ken Masters is no longer just mere palette swap of Street Fighter's main character. Through the years, this man who trained alongside his best friend under their mentor Gouken has become a fan favorite of the series, and has evolved to embody traits of speedy, flashiness, and pure fiery determination in his fighting style. In fact, Street Fighter V will introduce a brand new look for Ken that will separate his appearance from Ryu all the more... And highlight new areas of his Ansatsuken skill set.

Ken Evolution in Street Fighter

In honor of Ken's Birthday, here's revisiting his past evolution... To how he will appear in Street Fighter V...
Street Fighter 5 - Ken Reveal Trailer

For the man who dedicates his fights to his wife Eliza and his son Mel, Happy Birthday, Ken Masters!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

ICYMI: Batman v Superman: IMAX release of Final Trailer; Two Banner Posters released

With the film hitting in a month and a half from now, Warner Bros, DC Entertainment, and IMAX have released a higher quality version of the Final Trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that premiered online yesterday.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice IMAX® Trailer #4

Additionally, two banner posters that see both Batman and Superman about to clash with one another were also released.

Batman v Superman will hit theaters on March 25, 2016.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Batman v Superman: IMAX Poster and Final Trailer released

Just to remind everyone that one of the BIGGEST COMIC BOOK MOVIES OF ALL TIME hits in a month and a half from now, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have released a final KICK ASS trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, as well as a new IMAX poster that sees an Armored Batman ready to take on Superman in what will certainly be one of the biggest fights in DC Films history ever.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Official Final Trailer [HD]

The new trailer pretty much confirms one thing - BEN AFFLECK IS A SOLID LOOKING BATMAN AND BRUCE WAYNE. Here's to seeeing him, Henry Cavill's Superman, and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman doing justice to their roles, pun intended!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25th.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

DC All Access: Batman #49 marks the return of Bruce Wayne as Batman

The penultimate chapter of "SuperHeavy" has arrived in stores this week - Scott Snyder prepares to bring an amnesiac Bruce Wayne back to the cape and cowl he made famous, as Batman #49 is now out and will showcase what sacrifice the newly rejuvenated orphaned son of the Wayne Family will have to go through to save his successor and friend Jim Gordon, as well as the rest of Gotham City. That being said, DC All Access has uploaded a video that has Snyder explaining what this all means... As the conclusion to his epic storyline happens in next month's Batman #50 and just in time for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" month too.

Bruce Wayne Is Back as Batman!

Batman #49 is now out in comic book stores and digital worldwide.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Deadpool: Watch Coming conduct interviews with the cast and crew... Yes, including Deadpool himself!

With the film NOW OPEN in theaters internationally and arriving in the US this Friday, 20th Century Fox and Marvel are having quite the CHIMICHANGA CELEBRATION with the hype that is the "Deadpool" movie starring Ryan Reynolds as the Merc With A Mouth! In fact, Coming has conducted exclusive interviews with Mr. Reynolds, director Tim Miller, and... Deadpool himself!

Just check out the feature below... HILARIOUS.

Deadpool is now playing in international territories, and will be released in theaters in the US on February 12!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Street Fighter V: Full Length CG Trailer released

Coming in just ONE WEEK from today, Capcom has officially launched the full length CG trailer for their latest installment in the Street Fighter series, Street Fighter V.

Street Fighter V: Full Length CG Trailer

Street Fighter V hits PS4 and PC on February 16!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Batman v Superman: Super Bowl 2016 "Turkish Airlines" Gotham and Metropolis spots released

With America and the world now tuned in to "Super Bowl 50" or "Super Bowl 2016" this Sunday in the states, Warner Bros., DC Entertainment, and Turkish Airlines decided it was an opportune time to promote their upcoming DC Films epic brawlfest flick by releasing two TV Spot ads for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", which features Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) and Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor!

Take a trip to a City that never stops... Fly to Gotham.

Batman v Superman - Destination Gotham

Or take a trip to the city of tomorrow... Fly to Metropolis.

Batman v Superman - Destination Metropolis

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25, 2016!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Batman v Superman: New Banner Poster released

With the film hitting in just over a month's time, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment further enhance the hype by releasing a brand new banner poster (via Comic for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - which features the Dark Knight and Man of Steel locked in a gaze that means big business and a lot of ass kicking come end of March. The world could not be more excited for this new DC Films entry that's set to plant the seeds leading up to the long awaited Justice League film!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25th!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Batman v Superman: "Men Are Still Good" Batman theme preview from BvS OST released

With just a few more weeks left until it hits theaters and shows off one of the BIGGEST superhero battles in cinematic history, Warner Bros., DC Entertainment, legendary composer Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL have released the first taste of the official soundtrack of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" by introducing a sample of The Batman Suite theme "Men Are Still Good" via SoundCloud, which you can listen to below.

The soundtrack will be released on March 18, just before the movie hits theaters.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released in theaters on March 25, 2016

Friday, February 5, 2016

Captain America: Civil War celebrates "Friends Day" with video

This is pretty much self-explanatory, but if you celebrated "Friends Day" on Facebook last February 4th, then this take by the official Captain America Facebook page should give a clear idea of how much things are "escalating" on the Road to Civil War.

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6, 2016.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Flash will guest star in "Supergirl" this March

After appearing in a Variety magazine cover last May 2015 that teased the possibilities of a crossover, WB, DC, The CW, and CBS have made it official: The Flash is teaming up with Supergirl and will be visiting Nation City on an upcoming episode of the CBS series featuring the Girl of Steel! That means that Grant Gustin/ Barry Allen will be guest starring in the show that features Melissa Benoist as Kara Zor-El, meaning two former Glee stars are now heroes working together in what is going to be another milestone in DC TV Show history!

Catch The Flash guest starring role in "Supergirl" this March 28th!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Batman v Superman: Japanese International Trailer released

Not showing any signs of slowing down the hype train for the film, a new Japanese international trailer has been released for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", featuring the same beats and scenes as previously released trailers but with a couple of new stuff inserted in.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Japanese International Trailer

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25, 2016!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Flash: Season 2 "Alternate Reality Check" poster released

With the midseason part of its second season already in full swing, The CW hypes things up for "The Flash" by releasing a brand new poster for the show, showing Barry Allen/ Flash holding on to some lightning while posing, and the tagline "Alternate Reality Check" alluding to the Scarlet Speedster's impending visit to Earth-Two in the next few episodes of the show.

The Flash airs every Tuesdays on The CW.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Deadpool: TJ Miller confirms a "Director's Cut" version coming later this year!

The movie hasn't even come out yet, and now we're getting news of a "Director's Cut"!?

Fans of the Merc of the Mouth will be pleased to know that co-star TJ Miller has confirmed that a "Director's Cut" version of "Deadpool" will be released sometime later this year... Possible the "Uncut, Extended, Home Video" release of the film after its run in theaters... Which happens in less than TWO WEEKS!

Check out Miller's announcement from a Deadpool event at London (c/o Slash Film)!

Deadpool opens in theaters on February 12!
