Alright, I was a little puzzled by the look of this cover. First of all, why is Thor channeling lightning to Captain America's shield and using it as a conduit to filter in energy to Stark? Last time we saw Ol' Shellhead, he was literally brain dead after going through the painful task of literally deleting his brain of the Super Hero Registration Act files. The last thing Tony needs is an electric charge to jump start his brain... but that might actually work come to think of it. Anything can happen in the Marvel Universe, and this is the power of Thor we're talking about, so trust on the Thunder God and your friends, right? We'll find out how Tony makes it on the road to recovery when Stark: Disassembled begins later this month.
thats one great idea...
using the cap shield to fuel up some electric thunder... hitting start with thunder directly can toast him in an instant
LOL. Now that's cooking up some Shellhead.XD
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