Independence Day. Mars Attacks. Marvel's Secret Invasion.
Meet one of the originals that started it all.

It's hard to imagine how one would react at the sight of an ginormous alien spaceship hovering above your city, but if it did happen, then you'd probably drop everything and stare into the sky much like the rest of humanity did in

A reboot/ remake of the same Sci-Fi television series that launched in the early 80's, this new version of V sports the same basic plot I grew up watching and reading about in television and comics as a lad: A group of extra-terrestrial Visitors suddenly appear out of the blue sky, making contact with humanity and ensuring the obviously bewildered species that they "come in peace". In the pilot, we are introduced to a number of characters, namely an FBI Agent named Erica Evans, her rebellious son Tyler, a priest named Father Jack Landry, and a businessman named Ryan Nichols, who hides a secret which could jeprodize the new life he wants to build with his fiancee, Valerie. Together with other supporting characters in the story, these people are caught in a situation wherein humanity is slowly starting to embrace the V's as saviors, thanks to the promise of advance technology and well being they will provide in the name of peace. Contradictions and questions about faith and trust are just some of the subtle themes this series uses effectively in channeling the fear and paranoia building up as those intuitive enough start to realize that the V's benevolent intentions have more sinister motives behind them. For the most part, I enjoyed the way the characters played out their roles and provided each other with emotional conflict and support. The aliens themselves look more angelic and less of a threat, thanks to their beautiful and composed appearances. Anna, the de facto leader of the V's, is eloquent and beautiful to a fault, and she uses her intelligence and charms to her advantage, effectively giving humanity enough reason to devote themselves to the visitors. Towards the end of the pilot, the key players begin their plans to form the resistance, but will their efforts be recognized or simply end in vain? That's what V is all about, and as contemporary retelling of a classic alien invasion story, this does a lot of wonders the average sci-fi buff will enjoy. Highly recommended.
"We Are Of Peace, Always" - Anna, leader of the extra-terrestrial race dubbed as the "V's"
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