Monday, February 1, 2010

Game Review: Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Ultimate All-Stars

Finally, after months of mashing, bashing, and crashing with the usual sets of fighting games, I finally got my hands on Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars for the Nintendo Wii. Together with electricdropkick's Billy, I tried out the recently released fighting game yesterday, and as soon as the intro clocked in and we ran straight into our first match, I was instantly hooked, and literally booming with excitement and nostalgia inside.

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Ultimate All-Stars US Intro

Unlike the other Capcom fighters, TvC takes a more "stylized and simplistic" approach, foregoing the complex attack systems usually found in SF games and utilizing a control system that takes the Wii platform and controller into consideration. The Wiimote has simplified control scheme that takes advantage of this fact, but players can also plug in a Classic Controller, Gamecube Controller, or other third party joysticks to play the game in a more traditional way. Gameplay wise, it plays like the other Capcom crossover games and Rival Schools, but TvC is the first VS game to be rendered in 3D while still retaining the 2D plane, therefore making it a 2.5D fighting game.

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Sample Gameplay Video

Before beating the crap out of each other, we started off with the obligatory character select screen - where players have to choose 2 characters between the Capcom and Tatsunoko brands to make up their team. However, certain characters like PTX-40A and Gold Lightan take up both slots because of their stature and size, so the playing field is leveled and even most times, while other times they are not. Billy and I got into our first series of matches and rotated between Capcom favorites like Ryu, Chun-Li, and Batsu while trying out the new guys from Tatsunoko like Gatchaman's Ken, Tekkaman, and Casshan. Since it wasn't your typical VS game, getting a grasp of the controls was a bit frustrating at first, but time and patience soon prevailed and we got the hang of things eventually. The fights were literally colored messes and bright light stage shows of Hadoukens and Sonic Boomerangs, and the Hyper Combos (aka Supers) were out of this world. I managed to land Ken The Eagle's divekick to Firebird super finish, while Billy executed Ryu's mighty Shin Shoryuken.

Like plenty of games coming out of the woodwork early this year, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom is one of those titles that flashes of brilliance as well as excellence. There are plenty of crossover matches and modes to play, practice and excel in, and things only get better when you play online or with a friend. Localizing this game took over a year, and with the wait came plenty of extras, including additional new characters and a new set of endings illustrated by the good guys from UDON comics. I can describe this game in many ways, but like every person who has played and review this game already, the one word that comes to mind is simple - AWESOME.

Rating - 9/10

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