This is a pretty sweet poster of Iron Man 2 I found in Kotaku, which is literally a colorful collage of every character and almost every key scene/ moment that fans and viewers will see in the movie. I reviewed the film a few days ago (the same day I watched it a whoppin' THREE TIMES), and despite some reservations I have regarding the film's pace, I still enjoyed it quite a lot, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again given the chance. It's Tony Stark at his finest, Rhodey suiting up as War Machine, Nick Fury at his sharpest, and Black Widow looking all sexy and hot in one package. If you need more reviews on this film, you can check out the link on Kotaku above or browse through your usual movie review sites. Bottomline, it's Iron Man, and you can never go wrong with a Marvel movie of this magnitude, especially when it leads on to other superhero flicks that finally converge with the one film to gather them all... The Avengers!
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