Thursday, February 27, 2014

Captain America: The WInter Soldier: New Featurette and Falcon character poster debut online

With just a month to go before it marches its way into theaters internationally and the first week of April in the US, Marvel Studios has unveiled yet another character poster and featurette spotlighting Chris Evans' return as Steve Rogers/ Captain America in the next "Phase 2" film for the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Above is a look at the new character poster of Anthony Mackie taking on the role of Cap's partner and friend Sam Wilson, aka The Falcon!

And here's a new featurette promoting the sequel and taking a look at the espionage theme that it promotes, as seen and featured in Superherohype.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Featurette

Captain America: The Winter Soldier shows in theaters on March 26 internationally, and April 4 in the US.

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