Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Fourth of July and Happy Birthday Steve Rogers - aka Captain America!

Today is July 4th  - marking the celebration of Independence Day in the United States of America AND the fictional birthday of one of the greatest superheroes in comic book history! On this day on July 4, 1918 - Steven Grant Rogers was born in the Marvel Universe -  a scrawny kid with a sense of idealism, patriotism, and justice who would soon volunteer for "Project Rebirth" and be injected with the Super Soldier Serum to transform him into a powerful warrior for the allies in World War II. While it proved successful - he would end up being the only successful "Super Soldier" as the scientist responsible for the serum would be assassinated. Dedicating himself to become a symbol as much as a weapon for justice - Steve Rogers donned the stars and stripes, wielded the shield, and became the sentinel of liberty known as Captain America!

So yes, today is the birthday of Cap! Whether you know him from Marvel Comics, his time fighting in the present alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the Avengers, or his portrayal by Chris Evans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - the character of Steve Rogers doesn't just wear the flag and fight for America - he fights for the ideals and beliefs of the dream, freedom, and justice wherever it may be. I've been a fan of the character in many forms of media, and it's always been a treat to honor one of my favorite characters in comics - whether it be through my collection or through cosplay!

Happy Fourth of July and Happy Birthday, Captain America!

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