I'm finally done, and I must say "I AM BATMAN"... well, in this game at least.
Batman: Arkham Asylum has exceeded my expectations of what a true Batman game should be. That's not just a personal opinion... IT'S A FACT, especially since the
Guinness Book Of World Records has cited this game as the
"Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever". Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, DC Comics, Rocksteady Studios, and Eidos Interactive have crafted the best Batman experience known to mankind, and I can't help but feel overwhelmingly pleased with the results. I've promised a review once everything was said and done, and since I've finished the game, here it is.
Welcome To A World Without Rules...
Batman: Arkham AsylumPublisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Released: August 25, 2009This is the game. THIS IS THE GAME THAT WILL TOTALLY IMMERSE YOU IN THE DARK KNIGHT'S WORLD. Forget about all the other games that came before this one... Batman: Arkham Asylum is the DEFINITIVE BATMAN EXPERIENCE no fan of the comics should miss. As someone who has collected everything Batman for almost his entire life, Arkham Asylum is just perfect. If Christopher Nolan succeeded in blowing everyone away with
The Dark Knight last year, Arkham Asylum will do the exact same thing, only in video game terms that is.
The Story is pretty simple - Batman apprehends The Joker (again) and personally brings him back to Arkham Asylum, the home of the criminally insane (again). Once Joker makes it to the island, he springs out of his shackles and brings the entire Asylum under his control, taunting Batman in the process. Without any hesitation, Batman dives in and makes it his personal mission to stop and capture the Joker once and for all. However, the Clown Prince Of Crime has other plans in store for the Caped Crusader and Gotham, and if he gets his way, it may spell massive damage for the entire city.The first thing that is praiseworthy about Arkham Asylum is the graphics. It's just absolutely amazing to look at, and the work and craftsmanship put into this game really does justice to the entire Batman legacy and the world that resides in it. Arkham is a dark, and gritty looking place, almost devoid of sanity and full of all the lunatics one would hardly want to be locked inside with in a cell. The facility has the best security and most sophisticated tech to keep the inmates at bay, but this didn't stop The Joker from wrecking havoc and reducing Arkham to a shell of its former glory. Fortunately, you are Batman, and no matter what obstacles you may face, there's always that driving force and willpower to keep you focused at capturing the criminal mastermind behind the chaos. Speaking of the Bat and all the characters here, the texturing and modeling of their likenesses is so topnotch, and all of this was possible thanks to the power of the "Unreal Engine 3"graphics engine. Everything just looks absolutely flawless, and the rendition of it all brings credence to the comics and the legacy of the characters in it.
Gameplay itself is like an amalgamation of
Metal Gear Solid 4,
Resident Evil 4,
Grand Theft Auto 4, and
Fallout 3. It's like the best elements from these games were taken out, used, and combined with the Bat factor, giving us one very impressive game. There's a little bit of stealth and surprise, which you can use in a variety of ways, and this helps in taking down foes if the number's game is upon you. Exploration is also an integral part of Arkham Asylum's gameplay, and as any would expect from Batman, he uses his Detective Skills to solve any obstacle that may hamper his way. While the game is limited to Arkham Island and progression can only be done through the story's narrative, Players can still feel free to explore the wonderful Asylum and its residents, and backtracking will be a necessity too, especially to find hidden items and secrets.
Playing as Batman is no walk in the park, but with enough time and practice, you'll find that he's a smooth crimefighter who's crafty and tech saavy to boot. He beats up opponents fast and flows like water at the same time, countering punches and making the Matrix like moves look easy. If there's one thing that everyone knows about the guy, it's that he's a normal human being like everyone of us. Unlike Superman or everyone else in the entire Justice League, Bats has no superpowers, and he relies solely on his own skills and abilities to get the job done. Over the years, he has trained his body to its physical and mental peak, and he has acquired vast knowledge and mastery over the art of deduction, hence giving him the title of "The World's Greatest Detective". However, The Dark Knight's most powerful weapon may very well be stealth and the fear he instills in others. With careful timing and precision, enemies can be subdued in a variety of ways, from chokeholds to inverted takedowns over gargoyle statues.
While the suit and body make the man, the tech Batman uses boosts his warfare against crime, giving him an edge when the situation calls for it. There are several gadgets he can use to combat villainy, ranging from his trademark Batarang to an explosive gel gun that can blow walls open. Some of these can be also used to traverse obstacles and expose hidden items, and amplifying his puzzle solving skills is "Detective Mode" - a sonic device attached to the lenses of his cowl, giving him infrared and x-ray vision (ala
The Dark Knight). This is pretty useful throughout the course of the game, and you'll be using it extensively to see "sight beyond sight". Out in the open, Batman's cape can be used to spread and glide in the air when falling from high places. He can also get past walls and borders via the bat rope, which shoots a straight line and retracts him to the surface. All of these just amplify and turn Batman into the formidable force he already is. Anyone standing toe to toe with the guy better be prepared. He's your worst nightmare.
Arkham Asylum isn't just about The Joker alone, he's brought along his henchmen and allies from Blackgate Prison as well. These grunts serve as the main nuisance you'll have to beat senseless over and over again, and while that's fun, it can also get boring and repetitive at times. Since the game is set on the madhouse itself, expect a lot of villainous appearances from your other favorite Bat-villains besides the Clown Prine Of Crime himself. From the deranged and vicious Killer Croc to the beautiful and deadly Poison Ivy, a lot of rogues from Batman's past make a prominent appearance in this game, and do what they can to exact revenge on The Dark Knight for putting them there in the first place. Also, Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn is here to give you the hots for her, so watch out and be careful, or she'll be dying to kill you to please her puddin'. That said, if you're expecting al the baddies in his rogues' gallery to showup, you'll be sadly disappointed. However, some of them make cameo appearances, and for the most part, they'll be in places you'll never expect.
Think it's all about beating The Joker? Think again. On the sidelines, Edward Nigma, aka The Riddler, has done what he can to make the entire Arkham experience worthwhile for fans. To this end, he has left several "challenges" for the player to do, practically leaving a treasure hunt in which you can engage in. Successfully solving his riddles will yield prizes and secrets being unlocked for the player to enjoy. These range from bio data to extra levels being unlocked in the game's Challenge Mode. Arkham Asylum has got a chalk full of stuff to find around, and in order to beat the Riddler's game, one must be patient and observant of everything around the island. Next to the prizes, points are given, similar to the ones earned in defeating baddies, which replenishes life and fills up an upgrade meter.Once the latter is full, the game will prompt players to upgrade a new skill for the Bat to use throughout the game. These will definitely come in handy, especially during the combat segments of the game.
If Campaign mode doesn't fill up your gaming appetite, there's the ever reliable Challenge Mode to reflect on in the main menu if you're itching for more Bat-action. Several of the challenges are there to test your skill, and ranking high can earn you more rewards and achievements, especially online with the game's leaderboards keeping track of the score. Oh, and as for downloadable content, The Joker is a playable character that's exclusively available only for the Playstation 3 version of the game. He's only available in Challenge Mode, and you'll have to redeem him using a special validation code that comes packed with the game. How does he play? Well, I haven't had time to try him out, but seeing online videos of him in action, I can definitely say... HE'S INSANE.XD
Well, that's all I have to say about this "most excellent and totally narly made game dudes"! Batman: Arkham Asylum, once again, IS THE BEST SUPERHERO GAME EVER. With DC Comics writer Paul Dini handling the story and A-List voice actors Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill returning as Batman and The Joker, HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG? It's THE Batman game we've all been waiting for, and I alreayd want a sequel to it, this time in Gotham City. If you want to know what all the fuss is about, go and do yourselves a favor - pick up this game NOW, especially if you're a true Batman fan! It's a can't miss experience that will truly change your perception of the whole Bat-Franchise. Now that I'm done, I can get on with the show and watch the Behind-The Scenes Blu-Ray Movie that came along with my Collector's Edition package (
which I reviewed a few days ago, and I must say, ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT). As The Joker would famously say whenever he makes a daring escape - T.T.F.N (that stands for Ta Ta For Now!)!
Again... The best Batman game ever? YOU BET!
Graphics - 10/10
Sound - 10/10
Gameplay - 10/10
Replay Value - 10/10Score -