I may be a little bit biased when it comes to saying what I'm about to say in this review, but hot damn, THIS WAS ONE AWESOME SUPERHERO FILM, and it certainly deserves all the praise it gets!

As the last summer blockbuster and superhero movie of this year, I can say that
Captain America: The First Avenger lived up to most of the expectations I've placed on it since I became aware of the fact that Marvel was going to create it. After several attempts at making a movie based on the star spangled avenger decades earlier pretty much failed to impress audiences, the time was ripe enough to make something closer to the source material. After the success and impression Iron Man left, Marvel Studios went full speed ahead on their attempt to construct a singular universe wherein their films (and each one's respective events) would intersect and converse with one another, ultimately leading to the hype chain of a team movie that is
The Avengers on 2012. Ambitious as it sounds, it's definitely happening folks, and I couldn't be any happier with the results I've seen so far from Marvel movies.
Back to the Cap film... Wow. I still find myself reeling from the experience of actually watching it. The fact that the character is one of my favorite heroes in the world of comics adds to that personal bias I mentioned earlier, and no doubt you'll be seeing thick layers of it run rampant throughout this review. While the previous Marvel films this year, namely
Thor and
X-Men First Class, put things off to a good and action packed start, Captain America has the luxury of ending things on a high and exciting note that will leave smiling after watching it and walking out of theaters. His symbolic and charismatic nature alone screams for attention, and like Thor's signature weapon
Mjolnir, nobody can miss that distinguishable trademark piece of hardware that is his
Vibranium mighty shield. Is it good? Unquestionably so. Is it better than the other superhero films? That's subject to extensive debate and preference. I will be tackling those points as I go through this review, so if you'd like to read about my opinion, you're welcome to go further down this review. SPOILERS will be present of course, so if you want to avoid them and watch the film with a clear conscience, best turn back now before the jump. Thanks again goes to Solar UIP and SM Cinema for the premiere invite!