Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kick-Ass 2: First logo and Facebook page now up

Via Bleeding Cool and Mark Millar's own Twitter page, the people behind Kick-Ass 2 have launched the first official logo and Facebook page to the much anticipated sequel to the 2010 film adaptation of Millar's asskicking comic book series! It's slated to start filming sometime this September, and will once again see Aaron Johnson back as David "Dave" Lizewski / Kick-Ass. Jeff Wadlow will step in as the new director to the sequel, as handpicked by his predecessor Matthew Vaughn himself. No news yet on whether Hit-Girl will be confirmed to return, but it's a sure bet if she does, then Chloë Grace Moretz may be back for more slicing and dicing. For more information on the story, visit the source post at Bleeding Cool!

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