Friday, September 30, 2016

ICYMI: "DC on the CW" come together for Superhero Fight Club 2.0!

With half of their shows set to premiere next week and the rest during the rest of October, The CW has released a new version of their dream match "Superhero Fight Club" trailer that sees the main cast of Arrow and The Flash reuniting for another beatdown exercise, but this time they're joined by the members of the Waverider crew from Legends of Tomorrow and of course the newly added "Girl of Steel" herself Supergirl - who will begin her second season on The CW Network thereby officially joining the rest of the "DC on the CW" crew!

Check out what Cisco has cooked up for Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Kara Zor-El, and the rest in "Superhero Fight Club 2.0" - which uses Guns n' Roses hit song "Welcome to the Jungle"!


Catch Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl on The CW this October!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Arrow: "New Set of Rules" Season 5 Trailer released

Set to premiere exactly one week from now, The CW and DC Entertainment prep fans up for a "New Set of Rules" that pretty much sums up the brand new season of "Arrow" - which sees actor and star Stephen Amell back as Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow and facing new challenges that includes juggling being mayor of Star City, training a new set of allies, and a new enemy who has ties to Oliver's past when he started his crusade.

Check out the intense new trailer that debuted also on the official FB page of the show.

Arrow Season 5 "New Set of Rules" Trailer (HD)

Arrow Season 5 returns to The CW on October 5th.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Spider-Man Homecoming: Tom Holland shares "Unmasked Spidey" photo from NYC set

In what will certainly be the first of MANY MORE official photos shared from the set of the movie, Spider-Man movie star and actor Tom Holland shares via his Instagram page a new photo of him suited up and on the set of "Spider-Man: Homecoming" - which depicts Peter Parker unmasked and looking all confused as a young teenage superhero should be! This marks one of the few and rare instances the actor has uploaded a photo from the movie set to his personal social media account... And that's GREAT for fans who was a closer look at the new suit sans mask! After proving he can do his own stunts and that he kicked ass for "Team Iron Man" during this year's Captain America: Civil War, there's certainly more surprises webheads can expect next year during the wallcrawler's newest solo flick reboot set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Spider-Man: Homecoming is slated to hit theaters on July 7, 2017!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Venom #1: Todd McFarlane variant is a classic remastered panel from "ASM #299"

In what is certainly a "blast from the past" piece of artwork that featured the very first appearance of one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies in the late 80's, the upcoming new "Venom" series Marvel is cooking up is going to reuse and recolor existing artwork by Todd McFarlane that was seen in The Amazing Spider-Man #299 and was the issue that saw the first appearance of Eddie Brock as Venom. As reported by Newsarama along with an interview with McFarlane himself, hat panel has been remastered and given a new lease in life as one of the variants of "Venom #1" - which is still a mystery as to who will be the new host of Peter Parker's former symbiote suit.

Time will tell for sure what's the deal with "new" Venom, but expect the issue on November 23rd from Marvel comics themselves.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Green Arrow: 75 years of the Emerald Archer honored!

He's been called many things. The Emerald Archer. The Battling Bowman. Star City's vigilante hero.

But to his loved ones and fans, he is Oliver Queen... Aka The Green Arrow. This year marks the character's 75th anniversary, and since he first appeared More Fun Comics #73, the superhero created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp has been more than just a Robin Hood rip-off... He's a flawed character who makes up for his mistakes and never losses sight of his target. From spoiled beginnings as a billionaire playboy, his origins from being stranded on an island to learning first hand what it is to be a social justice warrior has been chronicled significantly... And from adventures shared with Green Lantern and the Justice League to his beloved "pretty bird" Black Canary, Ollie's time in comics has been cherished and honored - as well as being made into an action packed TV Series starring Stephen Amell in "Arrow" to boot!

In addition to a 75 years banner released in the official FB page, here's a pretty good tribute video by YouTube user Kaptur America.

Green Arrow 75th Anniversary Tribute

Happy 75 Years, Green Arrow!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Happy Birthday: Remembering the late great Christopher Reeve, aka Superman

Way before Henry Cavill became the "Man of Steel" for the DC Extended Universe and Brandon Routh flew for a one time film adventure in "Superman Returns", the world was introduced to the most iconic interpretation of DC Comics' very own Superman in 1978 when Christopher Reeve was cast to play the titular hero, better known by his birth name "Kal-El" and his human name Clark Kent. There was a charm to Reeve that still remains beloved by fans who have seen the Richard Donner film... And even after being rendered a quadriplegic through an accident in 1995 he still continued to inspire others with his determination and will to live beyond his handicap way until his death in 2004.

Despite being no longer with us, he'll be the person who made fans believe "A Man Could Fly".

Superman Christopher Reeve tribute

R.I.P. Superman and Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Doctor Strange: Empire Magazine spotlights the Sorcerer Supreme's upcoming MCU film

Gearing up for the inevitable release of the next superhero film that'll feature into the expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, Empire Magazine and Marvel are spotlighting Scott Derrickson's "Doctor Strange" in the latest issue of the entertainment magazine, with Benedict Cumberbatch featuring in the cover above and another showing him and the rest of his co-stars together walking side by side. You can check out the other cover via Comic!

Doctor Strange hits theaters on October 26 internationally and November 4 in the US.

Friday, September 23, 2016

DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Season 2 poster released

Adding to their list of promotional poster debuts for the return of their "DC on the CW" line-up of shows, The CW and DC Entertainment have released the official Season 2 poster for "Legends of Tomorrow", which once again features Rip Hunter and the surviving "Legends" who have become the new Time Masters of the CW DC Universe, along with some fresh new faces that will join the line-up that includes a new Vixen as well.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow | Season 2 Teaser

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 returns on October 13 on The CW!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Arrow: "Fight, City, and Legacy" Season 5 poster released

Hot on the heels of the release of their newest one sheet for The Flash Season 3, The CW has released via Facebook a brand new poster promoting the fifth season of "Arrow", which once again brings Stephen Amell back as Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow as he resumes his mission to fight for his city and maintain his legacy as a hero. However since the end of Season 4, Team Arrow has all but disbanded and Oliver is left alone to juggle duties as his alter ego and the newly installed mayor of Star City (subtly emphasized by the poster itself). With new vigilantes on the rise and the shiw promising to "return to basics", this new poster reaffirms that fans may see a more grounded Emerald Archer than past seasons have shown.

Arrow "Can't Be Stopped Extended Trailer"

Arrow returns to The CW with Season 5 beginning on October 5th.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Flash: "New Destinies" Season 3 poster hits online

Set to return in a few weeks alongside its other DC TV companion shows, The CW has released a brand new poster to promote their upcoming third season of "The Flash" - which sees Grant Gustin reprising his role as Barry Allen and starting things off with an adaptation of the "Flashpoint" storyline - which saw The Scarlet Speedster travelling back in time to undo the Reverse Flash's killing of Nora Allen and thus changing the timeline altogether.

The Flash | Time Strikes Back Trailer | The CW

The Flash Season 3 premieres on The CW on October 4.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Resident Evil Vendetta TGS 2016 Trailer released

Revealed by Capcom in last week's Tokyo Game Show 2016 and acting as the newest CG Animated Feature that stars familiar characters from the franchise, Capcom and KADOKAWAanime have released the first teaser trailer for "BioHazard Vendetta" - better known to westerners as "Resident Evil Vendetta" and is a film that starts protagonists Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield, and Rebecca Chambers. The film follows after this year's 20th Anniversary of the franchise.

Also yes, the film will have zombies.

BioHazard: Vendetta Trailer

BioHazard/ RE Vendetta will be released first in Japanese Theaters sometime in Spring 2017.

Monday, September 19, 2016

ICYMI: DC All Access lists another Top 10 Batman moments for "Batman Day"

Last weekend saw DC Comics and the world celebrate "Batman Day" - an annual celebration of all things about The Dark Knight and his world. Besides having a free comic book given away at participating retailers and shops (which reprints issue #1 of Tom King and David Finch's run on the main Batman book), DC All Access took a look at another list of the "Top 10" Batman moments in the history of the character's run.

Top 10 Batman Moments - Part 2

Once again to all the Batfans in the world... HAPPY BATMAN DAY!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Justice League: Zack Snyder reveals the first look at J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon!

Giving fans of both a certain Dark Knight and the DC Extended Universe something to be excited about for Batman Day, director Zack Snyder has revealed via Twitter one of the most awaited reveals for his upcoming "Justice League" movie next year - the very FIRST LOOK of Academy Award winning actor J.K. Simmons as Batman's closest ally and confidant - Commissioner Jim Gordon!

As you can see in the image above, Gordon stands on what is presumably the Gotham City Police Department rooftop, with the Bat Signal on and shining for his vigilante ally to respond to and meet any threats that dare oppose the forces of Justice!

Besides Snyder also posting a photo with him standing beside the now iconic Bat Signal that first appeared with Ben Affleck's Batman in this year's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, this is the second reveal this week following the "Tactical Batsuit" tweet the director made a few days ago that announced the wrapping up of filming for Batman scenes in the JL Movie. Only time will tell for sure when we'll be seeing more teases as the countdown to the film's release next year continues.

Justice League will be released in theaters on November 17, 2017!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Arrow: Season 5 "Can't Be Stopped" Extended Trailer released

Set to return next month and featuring a new shift in the status quo of his mission to clean up Star City, The CW has released a brand new extended trailer for Arrow Season 5 that's titled "Can't Be Stopped" - and shows off more of Oliver Queen balancing his duties as the mayor, the Green Arrow (with a modified suit), and mentoring a new team of vigilantes. The trailer also shows Chad L. Coleman of "The Walking Dead" fame making his debut as a villain for the new season

Arrow - "Can't Be Stopped" Season 5 Trailer

Arrow returns to the CW on October 5th!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Doctor Strange: "Inside The Magic" featurette released

Letting the mystic energies flow as the film prepares for its inevitable release in a few weeks time, Marvel has released a new film featurette for their upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film adaptation of "Doctor Strange", which is directed by Scott Derrickson and stars Benedict Cumberbatch in the titular role.

Featuring nearly two minutes of interviews with the cast and footage from the film, check out the video below.
Inside the Magic - Marvel's Doctor Strange - Featurette 1

Doctor Strange will hit theaters internationally on October 26 and in November 4 in the US.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Justice League: Zack Snyder shares new image of "Tactical Batsuit" Batman

In another one of those "coming out of nowhere" surprises that will certainly tease fans of what's to come when the film hits next year, Zack Snyder has tweeted a new image of Ben Affleck back as Batman for the upcoming "Justice League" movie... Only that it's our first look at the new "Tactical Batsuit" that the Dark Knight will wear in the film. Featuring a more "padded" look (similar to Christian Bale's 2nd Batsuit in The Dark Knight Trilogy) that no doubt shows that Bruce Wayne is going for a more protected yet functional version of his Batarmor suits, the costume does look somewhat familiar for those who have seen a certain other Warner Bros. superhero film that Snyder directed as well...

Yes, Batfleck's new suit is pretty similar to Nite Owl II from the 2009 Watchmen film. Regardless, I can't wait to see this in action once the film hits next year.

Justice League is targeted for a November 17, 2017 release!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Happy Birthday Andrew Lincoln, aka Rick Grimes!

He's been through thick and thing trying to survive "Stuff n Thangs" brought about by the Zombie Apocalypse and beyond, but now Rick Grimes is going to face his toughest challenge yet when The Walking Dead returns this October... And actor Andrew Lincoln has masterfully brought to life this main character of the critically acclaimed zombie drama series for over six seasons already! The English actor turns 43 this year, and his acting chops turning into the former Sheriff's Deputy and survivor is just absolutely WOW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW LINCOLN!

The Walking Dead Season 7 comes back this October 23!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Captain America: Civil War: Impressive Concept Art of Giant-Man's fall by Team Iron Man

Showing off his extraordinary artistic skills, Marvel concept artist Andy Park has released via Twitter a concept art image of that pretty awesome sequence in "Captain America: Civil War" which saw the members of "Team Iron Man" swiftly taking down the huge form of Scott Lang in "Giant Man" as Spider-Man makes an "Empire Strikes Back" reference that sees Iron Man and War Machine take down Ant-Man's huge form!

Captain America Civil War | Gag Reel

And in case you aren't aware, Marvel has released Captain America: Civil War in Blu-Ray and DVD this week! Grab it now at your nearest store or retailer! Check out the sample gag reel above for some laughs BTS.

Monday, September 12, 2016

ICYMI: X-Men: Apocalypse: The deleted mall scene that didn't make it to the movie

Since it was released last May and added a new chapter to the prequel saga of the X-Men Movies timeline, "X-Men: Apocalypse" has finally hit digital media and will see home release next month. Among the special features included in the release is this deleted scene that actually expands on the adventures of the new young mutants introduced in the sequel - namely the younger Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, and Jubilee - who go on a trip to the shopping mall and enjoy themselves circa the 80's!

Check it out c/o Tumblr and Comic

X-Men: Apocalypse is now available on Digital and will come out on Blu-Ray and DVD on October 4.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 9/11 15 Years Later... The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 #36

Today marks 15 years since "9/11" happened in 2001... And it will be forever a day where we will "Never Forget" the heroism and sacrifices so many made that day. People tried stood tall in the face of adversity and hopelessness... And one of the comics that paid tribute and remembered that day of shock and tragedy was Marvel's "The Amazing Spider-Man" - which printed a black covered issue released on December of that year and had its story titled "Stand Tall".

A lot can be summed about that issue in its way to depict the aftermath of the attacks that saw the destruction of the twin towers and many souls lost - heroes like Spidey in the story gathered to help their fellowmen and try to save as many lives and comfort those who were in dire shock. However, it was also a story penned by J. Michael Straczynski and drawn by John Romita Jr. that honored those real life policemen, firemen, and soldiers - brave souls who answered the call to just make a difference and help the victims of that horrible event. Literally - everyone "Stood Tall"... And it brought everyone together because of the terror that hit innocents unexpectedly.

We Remember 9/11... Never Forget.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Shin Godzilla: U.S. Theatrical Trailer released

After premiering in Japan and opening in select countries internationally, Toho is about to bring their revived and legendary "King of Monsters" back to the U.S via Funimation this October when "Shin Godzilla" comes to theaters in the states!

Via Superherohype, check out the trailer to the rebooted film directed by the minds of Neon Genesis Evangelion!
SHIN GODZILLA (Official Funimation US Trailer)

Shin Godzilla will run from October 11-18 in the US!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Doctor Strange: New international poster debuts online

Set to hit theaters in the US this November and even earlier for parts of Europe and Asia, a brand new UK poster for "Doctor Strange" has debuted online via Marvel (and reported by CBM). The new one sheet has an "Inception" style ring to it with all the realities converging, and the tagline "The Impossibilities Are Endless" just under the title.

Doctor Strange Official Trailer 2

Doctor Strange hits theaters internationally on end of October and in the US on November 4th!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Throwback Thursday: HAPPY 50TH ANNIVERSARY, STAR TREK!!!

On this day September 8th 1966, a man named Gene Roddenbery created and launched one science fiction television show that dared to utter the words "Space... The Final Frontier" and chronicle the adventures of a crew that explored strange new worlds, lives and civilizations out in the cosmos. The audience would then be treated to three seasons of that weekly sci-fi adventure, featuring the crew of the U.S.S Enterprise and their mission to "Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before"...

That show was STAR TREK, and it has been 50 YEARS since it began and spawned an entire legion of dedicated fans that are affectionately known by many names - most commonly "Trekkies". From visiting alien homeworlds such as Vulcan to confronting hostile races such as the Klingons and Romulans, the show made great use what the imagination could create, as well as injecting human drama and adventure in a interstellar setting that held an untold number of dangers and mysteries. Following the exploits of Captain James T. Kirk, First Officer Spock, and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise, the series had a cult following way after its cancellation and spawned its own set of feature films continuing the adventures of the legendary crew after their five-year mission in the series. Soon afterwards, spin-off shows were formed and led to the creation of the Star Trek franchise - which includes the other notable shows "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", and "Star Trek: Voyager".

More spin-offs and explorations in media followed the Star Trek franchise through the years, but interest in the series was arguably renewed and peaked thanks to the "Abramverse" or "Kelvin Timeline" that was introduced with the 2009 Star Trek film - featuring an alternate reality of the Original Series created after an incident involving the original older Spock played by Leonard Nimoy.

The new movie timeline introduced new actors into the familiar roles of Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the Enterprise, and two sequels were released in 2013 and 2016 respectively. The latest one released last July was "Star Trek Beyond", which was directed by Justin Lin and featured a new adventure set in the middle of the rebooted five year mission of the Enterprise set in that alternate reality.

Finally, a new series called "Star Trek Discovery" is slated to debut on January 2017, set a decade or so before the events of the original series. What the future may hold for the Trek franchise is anyone's guess... But definitely the adventure continues for anyone who dares to explore the great unknown.

Happy 50th Anniversary, Star Trek!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Batman: Return to Arkham: New trailer hits and the game will hit this October

Once announced for a July release but put on indefinite hold to work out the kinks and fix and issues the game may have, Warner Bros. Games, DC Entertainment, and Rocksteady Studios have released a brand new trailer for the HD compilation release "Batman: Return To Arkham" - which bundles the 2009 and 2011 games "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and "Batman: Arkham City" together, complete with all DLC and utilizing the Unreal 4 Engine to bring High Definition versions of the first two Batman Arkham games to current generation consoles.

Via, you can see the comparison video and announcement for yourselves below.

Batman: Return to Arkham — Official Side-by-Side Comparison Video

Batman: Return to Arkham will be released on October 18th for PS4 and Xbox One.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Batman: The Animated Series turns 24 years old this week

On September 5th, 1992 - one of the most ICONIC characters in comic book history received what is arguably known as the "Definitive" TV Series adaptation of his world to date, as Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski developed "Batman: The Animated Series" - an animated feature that ran for 85 episodes and follows the exploits of the DC Comics character Batman as well as his world in Gotham City and beyond. After the success of Tim Burton's two Batman films, the series was developed by Timm and Radomski - using the Burton films as inspiration and developing a film noir style cartoon that continues to be a timeless classic any Batfan can watch and enjoy. The series was also known for bringing together a diverse cast of voice actors that brought the characters to life - with Kevin Conroy serving as the definitive "Voice of Batman" and Star Wars legend Mark Hamill becoming the certified voice of "The Joker" as well with his iconic insane laughter behind the maniacal portrayal of the Clown Prince of Crime.

Batman: The Animated Series Opening

The music, composed by Shirley Walker and adapted from Danny Elfman's iconic score to the Burton Batman films, is just something to behold.

Following the success of BTAS, film features were made as well as several other DC Animated shows that were set in the same universe, leading to Superman: The Animated Series, the futuristic sequel Batman Beyond, and the union of DC's super heroes with Justice League. 24 years later, Batman: The Animated Series' influence is without a doubt something that any Batfan can be very proud of. Happy Anniversary, BTAS!

Monday, September 5, 2016

ICYMI: Happy 65th Birthday, Michael Keaton!

Today is September 5th - and it happens to be the birthday of one of the most keen acting and comedic minds that Hollywood has known. That would be Michael Keaton - the man who played Beetlejuice, won a Golden Globe for 2014's "Birdman", and played the first full-length film version of DC Comics' iconic Dark Knight in Tim Burton's 1989 "Batman" film and its 1992 sequel, Batman Returns!

Michael Keaton as batman tribute version#2

Happy Birthday, Michael Keaton! You'll see this man next in Marvel's upcoming Spider-Man reboot film called "Spider-Man: Homecoming" next year!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series Season 3 comes out this November

Since getting a reveal trailer a few months back and promised to see release later this fall, Telltale Games has now unveiled more information and a release date for their upcoming third season of "The Walking Dead: The Telltale series" - which sees the young and now grown up protagonist Clementine returning and a new character being introduced with Javier. Subtitled as "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - "A New Frontier" The game will come out for consoles and mobile devices starting this November. Expect it to be just as gritty and emotional as past installments! For more info, visit the source post at Cosmic Book News.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Doctor Strange: New photo shows a battle worn Stephen Strange

With two months left to go before it hits theaters worldwide, Marvel has released a brand new photo showing Benedict Cumberbatch all bloody yet still vigilant for battle in Scott Derrickson's upcoming film adaptation of "Doctor Strange" - the second film of "Phase 3" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the first new solo venture movie that follows after "Captain America: Civil War".

The photo comes via Yahoo! and Comic, and the Sorcerer Supreme does look like he's facing some tough opponents in his film. We'll just have to wait and see what happens when the film hits later this fall.

Doctor Strange will be released in US theaters on November 4 this year.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Captain America: Civil War: "Team Cap" BTS featurette released online

With the release of the Blu-Ray and DVD coming later this month, Marvel has released yet another featurette for the home video edition of "Captain America: Civil War", which takes a look at the Star Spangled Avenger and his allies, otherwise known as "Team Cap"!

Via Comic, here's a look at Captain America, Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, and crew in this BTS feature!

CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Featurette - The Making Of Team Cap

Captain America: Civil War is out in Digital HD now and will be released in home video on September 13.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's Happening: Justice League vs Suicide Squad announced by DC Comics

Heads up DC Comics readers- looks like the recent success of "Suicide Squad" in the box office and the inevitable arrival of the "Justice League" movie in 2017 has DC Entertainment taking advantage of the hype in an interesting way - The League and Task Force X are going to meet and face-off in a new miniseries that starts this December - Justice League vs Suicide Squad, which will be written by Joshua Williams and illustrated by the talented Jason Fabok!

Via The Wallstreet Journal, The crossover will kick off with the solo miniseries book in Christmas month, which will run for six issues, and tie in with the DC Rebirth books "Suicide Squad" with issues #9 and #10, as well as "Justice League" #11 and #12. It will focus on Batman's mission to take down Amanda Waller's squad, as the Justice League already exists and questions the need for the criminals' presence and the controversial way they are being used to fulfil the dirty jobs the government needs them to do in exchange for lighter sentences.