It's Free Comic Book Day today! Yes, that's right, 10 years and counting, it's a day where guys like you and me get a chance to grab a comic book absolutely for FREE, and to do that, all you have to do is to step into your regular comic book shop and pick up some of the nice freebies several publications and sponsors have offered to the masses this day! What those are and what exactly are listed can be found over at the official Free Comic Book Day site, and in conjunction with my fellows at GeekMatic!, we're going to celebrate this day right and check out all of the numerous stores and locations that are participating on this special event today! From the Metro Comic Con 2011 to the comic shops around the metro like DK and Comic Odyssey, We'll give you a taste of free comic book fever with our updates later! For a primer of what FCBD is all about, you can check out this video below from Diamond Comics (who celebrate their FCBD in a few hours still!)!
Free Comic Book Day happens today, May 7th, all over the world! Check out the official site again and Geekmatic for more details! Be sure not to miss it peeps!;)
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