The countdown is about to end, and the new age of DC Universe will be born! To commemorate this milestone event, User patrickhwilliams of YouTube has uploaded this fine video where star and comic geek Mike Curran pretty much sums up to Ariana Vacs Renwick what the changes are going to be in the reboot... And hilarity ensues as a result. Go and take a look!
The DC Relaunch
Love or hate it, history will be made in comics this day! The New 52 ushers in the DCnU! Go to your local comic book shop and start things off by picking up a copy of Justice League #1 (shown above) to commemorate the occasion!
One of my biggest reservations about this whole DC Reboot was the inevitable changes being made to many of its prominent characters, among them being the once paraplegic Barbara Gordon, who has once again been given the ability to walk and resume her original crimefighting role as Batgirl. While I am no doubt happy that Babs will be back wearing the cape and cowl once more, it left me a tad disappointed that the position that empowered her character ever further over the years would be left behind and possibly forgotten, and I'm referring to the role of Oracle, the freelance information broker and hacker of the superhero community. I feared that Alan Moore's contribution to the Batman legacy in paralyzing Barbara Gordon would be wiped off with a clean slate in the DCnU... But fortunately, my doubts were proven to be unfounded! History is retained in the semi-reboot, and as featured in this 6-page preview posted in the New York Post and Bleeding Cool, Babs history in "Batman: The Killing Joke" will be reflected back in the all-new Batgirl #1!
As you can see, the deed has been done, but Babs mobility with her legs has been restored! How that became possible isn't explained in this preview, but I'm sure we'll be getting the answer soon enough once the issue comes out this September! For more preview pages and info on the story, visit Bleeding Cool and the New York Post!
Batgirl #1, written by Gail Simone and illustrated by Ardian Syaf and Vincente Cifuentes, arrives on September 7 as part of the new 52!
Within the week and whether people like or not, DC Comics will make history by bringing an end to their old continuity of comics and ushering in a new one that they have affectionately called "the new 52", which is comprised of 52 new #1 books that will release throughout the month of September and bring forth the new DC Universe. It begins this Wednesday actually with the release of Flashpoint #5 and the all-new Justice League #1, so to promote this milestone event even further, USA Today has gone ahead and conducted an interview with the artist of the latter issue and co-publisher of DC Comics, Jim Lee! Check out the embedded player to see the interview!
Whether we admit or not, the need to be a hero exists in us in one form or another, but how often do you see one actually patrolling the streets wearing a costume and taking care of business when the situation calls for it? That's what a feature from BBC reports, as a security guard named Ken Andre assumes the identity of a ninja called "Shadow" to patrol the streets of his hometown Yeovil, England! Check out the embedded video below for the scoop!
'Ninja' patrols streets of Yeovil
Imagine that. Yeovil has their very own real life KickAss/ Batman who has been guarding his territory for six years. That's quite an achievement, and he loves what he's doing! For more on the story, check out the source report at BBC!
New promotional art has surfaced online for Walt Disney Pictures and Marvel Studios' next summer superhero team flick "The Avengers"! The new promo group shot was released by Marvel as part of their advanced solicitations to book shops, promoting the upcoming release of products that will promote the movie and expand interest in the characters, namely in the form of trades, hardcovers, and omnibus collections of several storylines from the vast library of the Marvel Universe. The pic above serves as a working cover to a "Road to the Avengers" collection, which collects stories set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that involves Iron Man, Captain America, and many more! For more info and details on the book and solicitations, check out the source post at Superherohype and Bleeding Cool!
The Avengers assemble and fight on theaters on May 4, 2012!
GREAT SCOTT! I actually thought this was bogus, but as reported in Slash Film, it's true and it's very real!
Yes, you saw that! Legendary actor Christopher Lloyd participated in an Argentina advertisement and reprised his role as eccentric genius Dr. Emmet Brown from the"Back to the Future"movies! It's a strange advertisement that still has people buzzing as to the true nature of the ad, but the Doc rides and crashes his legendary DeLorean time machine into a Gambarino electronics superstore, so it could probably be a promotion for the shop as well. Look at the viral video below and judge for yourselves!
Back To The Future Argentina Commercial?!
Can you believe that?! The Doc rides the Time Machine again, complete with style and effects! This could be a small time thing, but it certainly evokes a lot of nostalgia and pleasant BTTF geekgasm right there! Also, check out this unofficial behind the scenes clip also posted up in You Tube!
Revealed in their post via their blog The Source, DC Comics has posted this image of Batman and revealed where one of the one-liners they teased will originate from... in the all-new Detective Comics #1 by Tony S. Daniel! The one liner associated with this fantastic art piece is "He's the worst kind of killer. One with no true pattern". Also, we finally get a glimpse of how Daniel, along with guest artist Ryan Winn, will illustrate his Dark Knight in his run, and the new look appears to be a hybrid of Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" look with "Batman Inc."! For more on the story, visit the source post at The Source!
The all new Detective Comics #1 surfaces on September 7!
This is it. The road to change begins, and there's no turning back.
Over at the official blog "The Source", DC Comics has collected together a series of "quotes" that come straight from their comics - 52 teaser lines to be exact, and sample among them are the ff:
"He's the worst kind of killer. One with no true pattern,"
"Flaspoint effect has definitely closed off time travel"
"I remember a time when you would have begged me to stop playing superhero!"
"How's it feel to be nobody's favorite superhero?"
"We are too late."
Teasing that they are. You can view them all at the official post link below.
Interpret them as you will, but things will offically start next week when Geoff Johns and Jim Lee's Justice League #1 hits shelves back to back with the last issue of Flashpoint! Also, above is their newest poster promoting the upcoming event, which is literally a collage of all the covers of the new #1's hitting this September! For more info, visit the source post at The Source!
It can be said that some people go to movies for cheap thrills, spills, and yes even kills. If you're looking into those categories, then I guess these two movies I've seen over the past week and so will contribute nicely to your list to catch in the big screen. They've already been shown over at the US and selected areas for the past few weeks now, but international territories finally have their chance this week. SPOILER WARNING of course for those who avoid reviews. Thanks again goes to the sponsors for giving me a chance to see the first film below, Final Destination 5. As for Conan, I caught that during my spare time, so here are my thoughts on the two features!
Love or hate it, the latest entry in the Final Destination series has something to offer, whether it be scares, paranoia, or amusement over the crazy death scenes happening everywhere in this film. As someone who's barely seen the past films, I went into this one with only bare minimum knowledge of what transpired in the timeline (though each is a separate suspense horror adventure on its own that doesn't owe too much to a previous installment save for the deaths and premonitions). Totted as the film that takes things "back to basics", Final Destination 5 may be seen as the final (pun yes) entry in the series, but it can also be perceived as a springboard for newer installments. It's pretty much the same tale as previous movies - a young kid has a premonition that warns him of impending disaster, and he and his group of friends manage to survive and get away with their lives intact. Unfortunately, cheating death comes with a heavy price, as one by one their borrowed time comes to a sinister and grisly end.
Final Destination 5 Trailer
With a plot like that, it really isn't for the faint of heart. However, those who've been faithful and followed the movies since the first though will be pleased to know they're in for some treats come the climax of this film. Either way, it's a popcorn flick that'll please, and with the moderate reception it has garnered in the box office, it could be the fright fest one is looking for to tease their nerves and test with 3D theaters in mind. Oh yeah, legendary horror movie face Tony Todd is back too, so he'll be sure to creep you out, haha. Rating - 3/5
As the newest iteration of the film starring a heroic barbarian hero who was once played by legendary action star Arnold Schwarzenegger (which was also his first acting breakthrough to note), this new version of Conan the Barbarian has big shoes to fill in terms of legacy and garnering a new fanbase for today's generation of moviegoers. While the concept feels kind of cliche and dated thanks to several medieval fantasy movies and stories that have gone through the decades, I honestly felt content with what I saw despite the mixed to negative reviews this movie has gotten worldwide (essentially making it a flop of sorts in the box office). Starring Jason Momoa (who played Khal Drogo in HBO's excellent TV series adaptation of Game of Thrones) in the lead, the 2011 version of Conan the Barbarian proves to be your typical and straightforward adventure full of swordfighting, magic, sex, and evil. The movie kicks off with an origin tale that shows the titular character's birth, training, and the eventual massacre of his village by evil forces. This tragic experience molds Conan into a powerful but arrogant warrior on a quest for vengeance. Unfortunately, destiny forces him to rise above this narrow-minded calling as he crosses paths with a young maiden (Rachel Nichols), who holds a power inside of her that his adversaries seek to unlock and use for sinister purposes. With something else to fight for other than revenge against his enemies.
Conan The Barbarian 2011 Trailer
Pretty much like I said, this is a popcorn flick for those not looking for serious plots and just empty action to watch and enjoy brainlessly. I could say that there were some "interesting PG-13" moments in this film that could have been done more interestingly, but you can't have them all I guess. Rachel Nichols playing the heroine here was kinda a letdown considering her time as Scarlett in G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra. She faired better in that movie, and her talents here looked wasted, especially in the climax. Rose McGowan on the other hand played a nice and creepy villainess, and the way she looked kinda reminded me of Kerrigan from Starcraft. Oh, and Ron Perlman played the father of Conan, plus Morgan Freeman did the narration for the beginning. There isn't any redeeming qualities save for the action really, so that's really what kept me from being disappointed and I just wholeheartedly enjoyed it for that aspect. Khal Drogo FTW! Rating - 3/5
Via Enewsi, MTV News has posted up some cool interview videos conducted with the cast of Joss Whedon's upcoming superhero team flick "The Avengers", conducted from the past week's Disney D23 event! Check out the embedded footage below, and gather some insight from the stars themselves, including Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Hemsworth, aka Iron Man and Thor themselves!
Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Hemsworth Geek Out about "Avengers"
Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson talk about their favorite "Avengers" moments!
Tom Hiddleston talks about Loki
Here's another segment, courtesy of the folks from IGN!
For the past month, Christopher Nolan and his crew were busy at work filming at the city of Pittsburgh for the next Batman movie sequel installment, The Dark Knight Rises. Now, filming has finally wrapped up in the location, and to show his appreciation for the support and hospitality, Nolan has released this ad via the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, which has found its way online via Batman-News and Superherohype! Check out the scan below!
There's the ad thanking Pittsburgh, signed by Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, and Legendary Pictures. For more info and details on the story, visit Batman-News!
The Dark Knight Rises will shine the bat-signal on theaters next year on July 20!
Over at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, the stars and people behind Disney and Marvel Studios' upcoming epic 2012 superhero team movie "The Avengers" assembled at the Walt Disney D23 2011 Expo to talk about the movie and present some awesome footage for lucky attendees over there to see. Highlighting the cast present there of course was Robert Downey Jr., aka Tony Stark and the Invincible Iron Man, as well as Jeremy Renner/ Hawkeye, Scarlett Johansson/ Black Widow, Cobie Smulders/ Maria Hill, Tom Hiddleston/ Loki, and Chris Hemsworth, the mighty Thor himself! Lead by Marvel Studios' President Kevin Feige and joined by Walt Disney Chairman Rich Ross, the team screened a special reel of what is approximated to be about 4 minutes worth of exclusive footage from the Joss Whedon directed Avengers, comprised of scenes that highlight the Hulk, Nick Fury, Loki, and the rest of the Avengers team! A transcript of the scenes' details can be found via a post at Superherohype, but be warned it's a SPOILER of course if you plan to read it!
For More info and pics on this story, as well as what's going down on D23, head over to!
The Avengers assemble and take on the foes no one hero can face on May 4, 2012!
Currently in Marvel Comics' Amazing Spider-Man series, Spider Island is happening. People around Peter Parker's life and the entirety of New York City have been endowed with powers similar to the web-slinging hero, and when all is said and done, nothing will ever be the same again for the Amazing Spider-Man. One such ramification teased is with the latest Marvel teaser to debut for the storyline, which hints at the possible return of a familiar face from Spidey's past. SPOILERS beyond this point, so stop reading NOW if you don't want things ruined for you.
Fans can tell very well who's being teased in this image, and if you don't know who it is, it has to do with a certain clone brother of Pete's from a certain controversial 90's Spider-Man story arc who's making a possible comeback... None other than Ben Reilly, the second Spider-Man and better known as the Scarlet Spider! 'Bout time this man showed up again, and regarding why "It's Lethal", we'll just have to wait and see. For more info, visit or Comic Book Movie for additional info on the story!
As promised, Colombia Pictures and Marvel Studios have followed up with the teaser poster for "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance" by releasing the very first teaser trailer for the film! After premiering in Apple and with introductions by the directors of the film, Mark Niveldine and Brian Taylor, it's now made its way to You Tube and movie blog sites like Slash Film. Check it out below!
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Trailer
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, starring Nicholas Cage back in the titular role, rides into theaters on February 17, 2012!
Coming Soon and SuperheroHype have debuted the first exclusive look at the teaser poster to the new Ghost Rider sequel coming out next year, "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance"! The teaser image shows the gloved hand of Marvel's supernatural antihero, holding his trademark chain and setting some hellfire on it at the same time. It's a tease in every sense of the word, and not a bad poster at all for fans of the franchise to embrace.
Once again starring Nicholas Cage as Johnny Blaze/ Ghost Rider, the adventure takes place several years after the first film, with Blaze placing himself in a self-imposed exile because of his curse. However, he is called back into action by Moreau, a member of the monastic order of Michael, who tasks Blaze with the protection of a mother and child from a person known only as Roarke, who has knowledge of the Ghost Rider and his legend. A teaser trailer for the movie is expected to hit soon, so check back for updates time and again. For more on the story, visit the source post at Superherohype!
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance rides into theaters on February 17, 2012!
Warner Bros. has released the official synopsis for Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman reboot, which is entitled "Man of Steel". The film is currently underway and casting calls have been given out in locations in Vancouver Island. Here's the official synopsis below:
“In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time. ClarkKent/Kal-El (Cavill) is a young twentysomething journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond anyone’s imagination. Transported to Earth years ago from Krypton, an advanced alien planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question – Why am I here? Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha (Lane) and Jonathan Kent (Costner), Clark soon discovers that having super abilities means making very difficult decisions. But when the world needs stability the most, it comes under attack. Will his abilities be used to maintain peace or ultimately used to divide and conquer? Clark must become the hero known as “Superman,” not only to shine as the world’s last beacon of hope but to protect the ones he loves.”
From the way it reads out and as noticed by many who share like minded views, the plot sounds awfully like the recently concluded Smallville TV series, which explored Clark Kent's early beginnings and eventual transformation into the heroic icon known as Superman (though that 10 long seasons to fill out, and much of the things depicted there looked more alternate universe-like than actual canon). It'll still be almost a good two years before we see this film in theaters, but it will be interesting nonetheless to see what Zack Snyder and producer Christopher Nolan do with this iteration of the Man of Steel, especially with the notable casting decisions made (particularly Perry White being played by Laurence Fishburne). For more on the story, visit the source posts at Slash Filmand Screen Rant.
Man of Steel will soar into theaters come June 14, 2013.
With literally just 2 weeks to go until the inevitable relaunch of their universe under the "New 52" banner, DC Comics has taken the initiative to promote their upcoming reboot in all forms of media, including this new commercial that originally appeared as a 30 second TV Spot in Hero Complex. Now, the extended 2 minute version has appeared and hit itself up on YouTube. Check it out below and see what will become of legendary heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the JLA in the new reimagined universe.
DC The New 52 Extended Commericial
Like what you see or are you among those still skeptical about the reboot? For more on this story, visit the source post at Hero Complex.
DC The New 52 launches with the all-new Justice League #1 on August 31, with the other books following afterwards starting September!
Via his own Twitter page and a post by Enewsi, legendary professional wrestler and hollywood actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has posted what appears to be the very first "profile pic" look of his character "Roadblock" in the upcoming new live action G.I. Joe movie, G.I. Joe: Retaliation! Take a glimpse at what the Great One brings to his millions and millions of fans in this shot!
There you have it! The Rock all decked out with a Machine Gun as the Joes' Heavy Machine Gunner (and Chef), Roadblock! For comparison's sake, here's how the original looked like in the toys, comics, and cartoon! For more info on the story, visit the source post at Enewsi, and check out The Rock's official Twitter for more updates!
G.I.Joe: Retaliation, directed by Jon Chu, is slated for a June 29, 2012 release!
With just 2 months to go before it makes its release on consoles worldwide, Batman: Arkham City steadily builds up the hype again by introducing another trailer for the game that spotlights a certain "cool villain" that remains a classic rogue in the Batman mythos. I'm talking about none other than Dr. Victor Fries himself... aka Mr. Freeze, and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Rocksteady Studios have dropped the ice this week by releasing a new video with him set to appear in Arkham City!
And so the good doctor of chill is in this time around. On the last game (Batman: Arkham Asylum), he was among the many denizens of the crazy house still trapped in their cell. Now Batman will have to use all of his wits and gadgets just to face him in the sequel!
Batman: Arkham City is slated for release on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC on October 18!
Been a while since I've posted any movie reviews, and there's a couple already on my backlog that needs some reviewin' to be done to 'em. For the past week and so, I've been invited to attend screenings of the movies - The Smurfs, Cowboys & Aliens, and Crazy Stupid Love, and each is of a different genre and category that will (or will not) appeal to individuals hankering for some movie R&R time. Since I'm tackling three different movies this time around, these will just be regulated to mini-reviews and the score. I'll keep things simple, straight to the point, and hopefully a tad more honest and true on how I perceive each of these films on my personal ratings scale. Thanks again goes to the various sponsors for the invites on these screenings!
The Smurfs
Little blue men and Neil Patrick Harris go on an adventure that takes them around New York City which changes their lives for the better. That pretty much sums up what this animated venture based on the old 80's cartoon I and so many other people in the world have grown up with, only it feels a bit kiddy and dated for my tastes now that I'm older. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love The Smurfs for what they are, but their song is EXTREMELY annoying, and plus points goes to the film for actually pointing that out! It's your typical kid movie that you can take the family to for some laughs and cute moments. Worth it in 3D? Kinda, but only if you want to see Papa Smurf and co. kick ass against Gargamel (played by Hank Azaria). Rating - 3/5
Cowboys & Aliens
Now THIS MOVIE I found extremely well made and totally underappreciated. As a film directed by the guy who gave us two Iron Man films, Cowboys & Aliens has an old school western feel to it that totally works for the most part... But the idea of mixing things with extraterrestrials sounds a little bit far fetched and B-Movie like that I can see why most critics and reviewers gave this mixed reviews. Still, I enjoyed this Jon Favreau presentation for what it was, and it had an all-star cast to boot! Leading the charge is Daniel Craig of James Bond fame, playing an amnesiac loner named Jake Lonergan who has a mysterious device attached to his wrist. He partners up with an rich old coot and cynical cattleman named Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde (played by legendary actor Harrison Ford), and together with a mysterious and beautiful Ella Swan (Olivia Wilde), they take on an army of aliens who kidnap humans for experimentation. Sam Rockwell and Clancy Brown also star in this vehicle, and for the most part the movie has lots of action and Clint Eastwood moments that blend in well somewhat with the Steven Spielberg influenced alien show. Overall, this may not stand tall with the other summer blockbusters out this year, but it gets the job down of presenting a modest and entertaining action film piece, so it's definitely worth checking out. Rating - 4/5
Crazy,Stupid, Love.
Steve Carrell stars in this romantic comedy as Cal Weaver, a man trying to recreate himself when the perfect life he's lived for years is crushed thanks to his wife (played by Julianne Moore) cheating on him and asking for a divorce. Cal is devastated and crushed, and after some nights of hanging out on a bar and unsuccessfully trying to woo women, he's taken under the wing of one womanizing chick boy named Jacob Palmer (Ryan Gosling). Soon, Mr. Weaver learns the trade and his life rebounds back on track, but he still finds himself missing his wife and family. Throughout this tale of love, sex, and cheating, we find reconciliation, humor, and the true meaning of finding a soulmate in the one you care for the most. It's the perfect movie for anybody looking for love and laughs. I bet people will get a kick out of Steve Carrell's silliness, and ladies screaming at Ryan Gosling's hot guy appeal. Rating - 4/5
That's about it for now. Do catch these flicks at your local theaters!
There you go. The new Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, out in the open and soaring with new costume in tow in this variant cover for the new 1st issue as rendered by artist Sara Pichelli. The new character's been the talk of the comic industry and interwebz lately, but how it wil appeal to new readers remains to be seen when the book comes out this September! For more info on the story, visit the source post at Comic Book Resources and!
The folks over at Batman-News have posted up a new video via subaruwrxfan showcasing a better look at the new bat-vehicle set to debut in Christopher Nolan's final bat flick, The Dark Knight Rises. Whether or not it's going to be called the "Batwing" or "Batplane", the fact is that it's a new ride that looks like a cross between a hovercraft and the Tumbler, and the video below even gives a clear view of Batman in the cockpit! SPOILERS again be around, so look at your own risk!
Here's another video by subaruwrxfan that shows more of how the new ride looks up close.
Utterly stunned or surprised? I'm very much looking forward to seeing this on official footage all the more! For more info and videos related to the story, visit the source post at Batman-News!
The Dark Knight Rises is set to debut on July 20, 2012!
After the previous update showcased the picture of what appears to be the "Batwing" being filmed for a scene in The Dark Knight Rises, Batman-News has updated with a post showcasing a video of the same story, with the hovercraft-like vehicle entering the Wabash Tunnel in Pittsburgh. You can check out the video below, courtesy of a Twitvid posted by one Mark Duffy. SPOILERS be here of course, so look at your own risk.
Looks like there will be TWO FF related titles running this November after all.
Via their newest and final teaser image, Marvel has confirmed that not only will the original Fantastic Four title return with its original numbering starting with #600, but the other "FF" title, "Future Foundation", will also be continue to run alongside it. Writer Jonathan Hickman will therefore serve as writer for both titles, with the latter book apparently concentrating on the younger and newer members of the "NEW" Future Foundation! More news and details on the story can be found via the source posts at and Newsarama!
With all of the set photos and videos leaking over the net for The Dark Knight Rises, there was bound to be something neat to look at sooner or later, and now we may be having our first look at Batman's newest vehicle for the movie! Again, SPOILER here, so look at your own risk!
Marvel has finally given confirmation that Fantastic Four #600 is indeed happening by unveiling the cover to said issue, as illustrated by artist John Romita Jr.! That pretty much confirms that "Future Foundation" ends and FF reverts back to its original format... But Spider-Man is still present and in the cover! However, what is not definite is whether the Human Torch is indeed returning from the dead... But there's a sure fire chance that he is. This is the fourth tease we've gotten in the past few days, and apparently there's one more coming up as hinted by the original file name sent in for this teaser ""Four_Teaser4of5"! Look for more on the story by visiting the source post at and Newsarama!
Marvel and Newsarama have released the third teaser to "FOUR", which ushers in another pivotal milestone in the history of the Fantastic Four, or better known currently as the "Future Foundation" with Spider-Man as a replacement member for the recently deceased Human Torch. However, the new teaser by above as drawn by Joe Quesada confirms or suggests that Johnny Storm will be back in full force this November, suggesting that FF will reformat once more back to Fantastic Four just in time for issue #600 that month. To dispel speculation, two other teasers were shown previously, one with just the "4" logo, and the other showing the current roster for the Future Foundation. Hopefully more answers will pop up as we march towards November. For more info on the story, visit the source posts at and Newsarama.
Marvel Comics' has been having a busy week releasing all these juicy teasers for November, and the latest one has to do with the return of Norman Osborn and a new iteration of his infamous Dark Avengers! In the aftermath of Secret Invasion, the civilian identity of the maniacal Green Goblin rose to power, usurping control of national security from Tony Stark/ Iron Man and leading the forces of a reformatted S.H.I.E.L.D agency which became known as H.A.M.M.E.R (what that stands for is still shrouded in mystery). Osborn eventually donned the identity of the "Iron Patriot" (an amalgamation of Captain America and Iron Man) and became leader of a new iteration of Avengers, or "Dark Avengers" as they were better known to readers. Now, Marvel is set to introduce them again this November in the pages of New Avengers #18. Check out the teaser pic below, courtesy of and Newsarama.
Yes, who exactly are these new Dark Avengers?
Obviously from the image alone, all we can see is Osborn pointing ala Uncle Sam. Who else will be in the team remains a mystery, but I'm sure it'll have a Hulk, Spider-Man, and Hawkeye judging from the shadowy figures behind the villain. We'll just have to wait and see how this goes down in a few months time. For now, visit the source posts at and Newsarama for additional details.
Love or hate it, the Resident Evil (aka Bio Hazard in Japan)movie franchise earned big bucks with its last entry, "Resident: Evil Afterlife". As a longtime fan of the series, the films by Paul W.S. Anderson have absolutely nothing to do with the games, save for porting characters, monsters, and the Umbrella Corporation elements and using them for his own interpretation of the concept. As I noted in my review of the last film, my initial disappointment in the franchise soon turned to respect for the continuity he has built up for the series. Now, the director is set to return with a fifth installment, which his wife and the main star of the movies, Milla Jovovich, called "Resident Evil: Retribution", and it's been confirmed by Anderson himself that is definitely the film's title.
As posted in Bloody Disgusting and Cinema Blend, Paul W.S. Anderson is slated to direct and work on RE: Retribution for a September 14, 2012 release. It will see Jovovich back in the role of Alice, as she works her way from Toronto to Tokyoto battle and put an end to the Umbrella Corporation once and for all. Also expected to return is actress Sienna Guillory, who played the live action version of the well known Resident Evil/Bio Hazard heroine Jill Valentine. Guillory was last seen in a cameo appearance in Afterlife as Jill with a mind controlling device in her chest, mimicking her position and fate in the events of the video game Resident Evil 5. For additional details and info on the story, visit the source post at Bloody Disgusting and Cinema Blend!
UPDATE: It seems that they're bringing out the rest of the other "RE Character veterans" into this, as Bloody Disgusting also mentioned in their article that Retribution is looking to cast actors for the roles of "Barry Burton" and "Leon Scott Kennedy", two VERY WELL KNOWN figures in the RE Game mythos (especially the latter, who is the main hero in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4). Also, the role of Jill MAY be recast, but we won't know til future updates arrive.
Resident Evil: Retribution opens in conventional and 3D theaters on September 14, 2012!
Thanks to Facebook, YouTube, and Comic Book Movie, I have learned that one of the most awesome and non-mutant characters of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' franchise is getting his own film... Fan made of course, but it's still a big deal! Casey Jones, the hockey mask wearing buddy and friend of the turtles, is getting the spotlight treatment courtesy of filmmakers Hilarion Banks and Polaris Banks, with the former playing as Casey himself! Here's the trailer to this live action fan spectacle, and it's a mighty impressive endeavor I must say!
Casey Jones Fan Film Trailer
As a TMNT fan from way back, I'm very impressed with what I see here. It's kinda like a cross between Rocky and Batman Begins, but with the atmosphere reminiscent of the Turtles' live action films, only much darker (heck, there's even a cameo appearance by one of the heroes in a half shell here!). No dialogue is uttered in the trailer whatsoever, but the music and scenes tell you more than enough it's going to be a realistic take and kickass origin story of the "Goongola, Goongola!" crimefighter and vigilante! It's too bad I won't be able to see it for myself when it premieres on August 14 on Austin TX, but fortunately the fan film will premiere online after that! Check out more details via Comic Book Movie, the official site, or Facebook event page!
Like Comic Book Movie, I'm adding this to the rumor mill.
What you see here is what's being claimed to be THE "teaser poster" for Warner Bros. next Superman reboot flick, tentatively titled "Man of Steel". After weeks of big news highlights from the Zack Snyder directed film that includes Laurence Fishburne being cast as Perry White and the first official photo of Henry Cavill as Superman, this "teaser" shows up and is making the rounds in the interwebz. Despite the somewhat convincing layout and Batman Begins inspired set up, I'm not 100% about this at all. Judge for yourselves whether the "Grounded" inspired shot works as an official tease. For more, visit the source post at Comic Book Movie!
"Man of Steel" won't fly into theaters worldwide until June 14, 2013!
Comingsoon and Superherohype have featured this exquisite new theatrical poster for the Steven Spielberg directed and Peter Jackson produced animated flick "The Adventures of TinTin"! A motion-capture 3D film based on the comic book of the same name created by Georges "Herge" Remi, the film stars Jamie Bell as TinTin, Andy Serkis as Captain Haddock, and Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as bumbling detective twins Thomson and Thompson. If you haven't seen the trailer yet for this exciting animated adventure, here it is again below to give you an idea of what to expect! For more info, visit the source post at Superherohype!
The Adventures of TinTin Trailer #2!
The Adventures of Tintin will see release in conventional and 3D theaters this December 23!
Following up on that Fantastic Four #1 50th Anniversary post, it looks like Marvel is bringing the band back together this November, and just in time for the team's 600th issue if they decide to put the original number scheme back in place.
As posted by the likes of Newsarama and Bleeding Cool, this teaser for "FOUR" hints that the Fantastic Four will be reformed/ reunited/ reassembled. After the Human Torch gave up his life in the pages of Fantastic Four #587, the team was reformatted into the FF or "Future Foundation", and saw the inclusion of Spider-Man as a member to honor the Torch's memory. Now, with November fast approaching, it looks like a resurrection is in place for Johnny Storm... or it could symbolize the return to basics and bring back the blue and black tights with the "4" firmly in place again. Personally, I hope the Torch returns, and they reintegrate the original members back as they were always meant to be... As Marvel's First Family! For more info, visit or the source posts at Newsarama and Bleeding Cool!
FOUR, to be headed by the creative force of Jonathan Hickman, Steve Epting, Carmine Di Giandomenico, and Leinil Francis Yu, will be released on November 2011!
50 years ago today, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby made history by creating one of the most definitive comic books of all time. On August 8, 1961, Marvel Comics published and released Fantastic Four #1 to the general public, bringing together a ragtag band of heroes who were endowed with powers after being exposed to irradiated cosmic rays in a ill-fated space mission! From then on, Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm would be forever changed, and they would be known respectively as Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and the ever lovin' blue-eyed Thing! Together they were Marvel's First Family... The Fantastic Four!
Comic Book Movie featured this VERY INTERESTING post of a sound bit straight from the mouth of Tom Hardy, aka Bane in The Dark Knight Rises! In this clip posted in YouTube, we hear Hardy's very first lines as Bane, who addresses Gotham with a proclamation! Of course, you can consider this an actual SPOILER, so take heed with the warning! You can hear it below via this audio clip video uploaded in You Tube.
The Dark Knight Rises: Bane's first lines in the movie
And if you want to know where that line came from and more, it's set during a scene being filmed in Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, where a mock football game being filmed for the movie is taking place, between the "Gotham Rogues" are taking on the "Rapid City Monuments". As you can guess, Bane invades the joint, and proclaims to Gothamites to "Take Control" of their city! Check out the clip below from a person who was in the scene and uploaded it to YouTube.
The Dark Knight Rises: Bane addresses the Gotham crowd in a football game
Pretty interesting updates here. Finally, we hear how Tom Hardy will sound as Bane, but there might be a possibility that it will go through some changes in post-production. We'll just have to wait and see how it pans out soon enough. For more info on the story, visit the source post at Comic Book Movie!
The Dark Knight Rises opens in theaters on July 20, 2012!
The Daily Mail has posted up some photos of Anne Hathaway in a really great and stunning white dress, portraying her role of Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan's next epic Batman flick, The Dark Knight Rises! While the official photo released by Warner Bros. yesterday of her dressed as Catwoman and riding the Batpod is already in wide circulation around the web (prompting some more shooting and fake pics to appear as well), we shouldn't forget about her gorgeous civilian alter ego, and new pics of Hathaway in that part like the one above have surfaced courtesy of Splash Page and The Daily Mail while filming is currently going on in Pittsburgh. For more info, visit the source posts in The Daily Mail and Superherohype!
The Dark Knight Rises will soar into theaters on July 20, 2012!
Besides the new "Anne Hathway as Catwoman" update that's spreading over the net, a new logo poster of "The Dark Knight Rises" can be found over at the film's official website. It's not much, but it's a nice looking broken logo with the title on it that foreshadows dark things to come for Bruce Wayne and his alter ego next year. Thanks goes to "The Bale" for sharing this in Tumblr.
The Dark Knight Rises takes on theaters worldwide on July 20, 2012!
I'm posting this news bit on the fly, and the news comes so fast! Literally, it's just been a few hours since Warner Bros. released the first look at Henry Cavill as Superman in Zack Snyder's "Man of Steel", and now we have this!
That's right, Warner Bros. has released the first official photo of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, in costume and riding the Batpod in Christopher Nolan's next Bat-Flick, The Dark Knight Rises! As expected, this'll hype up talks and discussions by fans on the new sequel next year, and so far she's looking really HOT and great in this shot. This is our first look at Hathaway in action and in her role as Catwoman, since nothing was shown in the teaser trailer for TDKR attached to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 last month. Look for more info via the source post at Slash Film.
The Dark Knight Rises is slated for release on July 20, 2012!
If you enjoyed Game of Thrones like I did when it was running its first season on HBO, then do expect wonderful things to happen next year when the Second Season premieres on April. Before that, a couple of updates took to my eye concerning the subject and its creatives, and these bits of news perked my interest enough that they deserved some reposting.
As reported on Slash Film, it appears Marvel Studios is in talks with Game of Thrones TV series helmer Brian Kirk to direct "Thor 2". After Kenneth Branagh confirmed that he wouldn't be returning for the sequel, this sounds like awesome news, and given Kirk's work on GoT, I think Marvel may have something wonderful at hand if they land a deal with this guy. More info on the story can be found at the source post at Slash Film.
This is what happens when you turn a brilliant medieval fantasy series by George R.R. Martin into a TV Series... THEN an RPG like College Humor did. Priceless.XD
Via Movie news sites like Screen Rant and Enewsi, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have released the very first photo of Henry Cavill as Superman from the Zack Snyder directed and Christopher Nolan produced "Man of Steel"! What you see in the pic above is simply what it is - A familiar yet mean looking Supes among the wreckage of what appears to be a bank vault or fan room... And he looks mighty pissed to boot! After receiving the news that Laurence Fishburne has been cast as Daily Planet EIC Perry White (and joining other big names like Kevin Costner and Russell Crowe, who play the fathers of Superman, Jonathan Kent and Jor-El respectively), this is the next bit of Man of Steel news that'll throw Superman fans into a discussion frenzy! So far I'm liking the sneak peek photo here, and hopefully Warner Bros. will provide us with one savvy movie come 2013! For more info, visit the source post at Enewsi and Screen Rant!
Man of Steel has been rescheduled for a June 13, 2013 release!
It should be opening in theaters by the time you read this, but after seeing the premiere last Tuesday courtesy of 20th Century Fox and SM Cinemas, let me reassure anyone having doubts about this movie that this hardly your B-rated, Science Fiction experience one can easily mistake to be typical. Surprisingly, Rise of the Planet of the Apes harkens that type of reboot appeal that films like Batman Begins and Casino Royale started, and gives fans of the genre renewed hope that this is the start of bigger things to come. I'll get into details on what I mean as we come down to the review. It's more than your average popcorn flick, I'll give it that.
Movie: CRise of the Planet of the Apes
Starring: James Franco, Freida Pinto, Andy Serkis, Tom Felton, Brian Cox, John Lithgow
Directed By: Rupert Wyatt
As a reboot/ prequel to what becomes the Ape revolution, Rise of the Planet of the Apes tells the story of a young and intelligent chimpanzee's relationship with humans and his rise to power with his brethren. In the lead we have the talented young actor James Franco, who plays Dr. Will Rodman, a scientist researching on a treatment for Alzheimer's Disease. His passion for finding the "cure" is further boosted by the fact that his own father (played by John Lithgow) suffers from it as well, so he tirelessly places a lot of effort into the project, with the company sponsoring his research giving him access to funds and tests on chimpanzees. When he initially finds a breakthrough in the form of a captured chimp named "Bright Eyes", Rodman immediately tries to push for human testing procedures. Unfortunately, his dreams are quickly quashed as Bright Eyes goes wild in the facility, forcing security to put the ape down. As Rodman and his project are put on hold and is summarily told to put the rest of the apes down, he suddenly finds himself in the care of Bright Eyes' baby chimpanzee, Caesar (played by motion capture actor Andy Serkis). Saved from being put down after being born inside the lab, Caesar is raised by Dr. Rodman in the good doctor's own house, and shows tremendous potential since he was born with the enhanced abilities that his mother received when she was experimented on while pregnant with him. Displaying growing intelligence that rivals that of a human, Caesar's progress provides Rodman with data and inspiration that brings him back on track with his cure search. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond that which the good doctor and Caesar could possibly predict will lead to a chain of events that forces the intellectual primate to take action, which will begin the rise of the apes and the eventual fall of mankind.