Yes, this is the infamous "I Am Batman" poster, wherein several elements and characters were introduced that featured prominently in the miniseries, Battle For The Cowl. Some, however, were not in the plot itself, and instead served as warnings of a foreboding future, alluding to the notion that more things dark and sinister were in store for the Dark Knight's future. As the Batman: Reborn saga continues, some of these mysteries are coming to light... and one figure seen in the picture above has just made his presence known.

Ok... everyone HAD to see this coming. The "other" Batman in the poster above never made it to the Battle For The Cowl storyline, but he was bound to show up somewhere along the way, and here he is finally - in the cover to Batman #691. It doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that the man under this interesting variation of Batman's suit is Harvey Dent, aka the dual-minded villain, Two-Face, who has seemingly begun his bid in taking the mantle of the Bat from Dick Grayson, the current and new Batman. This leads one to wonder if the mysterious figure beating the pulp out of Dick in DC's six page preview of Batman # 688 IS Harvey, but that's still under speculation and we'll never know until the issue, by Judd Winick and Mark Bagley, hits shops tomorrow. For now, things are getting serious in the new Dark Knight's world, and that's enough reason to keep me glued on to this series for a quite a while.

For the second teaser pic, the Bat-action just gets more intense on the next issue - Batman #692. Come October, Tony Daniels will take up the dual role of Writer AND Artist once more, as he returns to the world of Batman again with a new story arc that's going to give the new Batman more than he bargained for. For those keeping up with the score, Daniels' was responsible for Battle For The Cowl, so all of this isn't new to him. Given the somewhat mixed responses from that story arc, it will be interesting to see how things go this time around, and hopefully, it'll be good. As Dick Grayson embraces his destiny as Gotham's new protector, can he overcome the challenges ahead as things get more complicated? Keep on reading folks, as Batman: Reborn trudges on!
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