A character who has been locked in a series of custody battles for as long as I can remember, Marvelman finally flies out of the void and enters into a new realm: The House Of Ideas! The announcement was just made by Joe Quesada (who drew the cover on top too) in Marvel's Cup O' Joe panel at the SDCC '09, so this is a huge announcement to behold in the comic community.
Marvelman, created by Mick Anglo, is similar in many ways to Captain Marvel, only he was created in the UK when they couldn't use that character in their magazine publications anymore. He then later gained the name "Miracleman" when legal issues (ironically from Marvel itself) prevented him from using the "Marvel" name. Famous writers like Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman took a stab at the character and produced several stories that remain classic reads to this day. Eventually, a dispute between Todd McFarlane and Neil Gaiman (who created some characters for the former's book, Spawn) caused "another version" of the character to appear - Man Of Miracles. This wasn't the Marvelman/ Miracleman we know, since Gaiman held the rights to the character and McFarlane couldn't use it in his books, so he went around the bush and created a new character to compensate storylines that would have seen Marvelman/ Miracleman appear in the Spawn books. After this, we never heard from MM for a long while... UNTIL NOW.
Now, Marvel has bought all publication rights to the character, and the time has come for his return! Read up the jolly good news over at Newsarama and Marvel.com!

For comic movies, it seems that another Christopher Nolan Batman film's going to see production soon! I know, we're all craving for that. Take it with a grain of salt, but Superherohype.com reports Gary Oldman (who play the dark knight's ally Commissioner Gordon) was asked when the next movie would be, to which he replied this:
“The next batman is next year, so I think it is two years away. But you didn’t hear it from me.”
Gotta love this guy for his indirect answer, not to mention his superb acting abilities. More power to Nolan and crew for a new Batman movie by 2011!
Lots more updates over at the hype, including the breakdown on first footage shown on the show floor of upcoming movies such as Kick-Ass and Jonah Hex! Man, wish I was really there!

Oh, and I want this Tekken 6 shirt! SDCC '09 Madness continues!
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