Darth Vader is iconic. The very mention of his name will bring many people to their knees and begin reminiscing about his exploits in the legendary Star Wars films, most specifically the Original Trilogy of movies (Episode IV, V, and VI). My first actual Darth Vader figure was from the Revenge Of The Sith toyline. Back in 2005 when the movie was hyped and being promoted in a colossal marketing campaign, everyone was gearing up their Jedi ways in anticipation of the movie that would bridge the gap between the two trilogies AND finally showed Anakin Skywalker's full transformation into the intergalactic villain, Darth Vader. Then, we all saw it and kinda loved it (except for the Vader scream at the end of the film), and it brought about the end of the Star Wars saga... in films at least. Merchandise was still flowing in and people kept chewing at it like hotcakes. Coincidentally, it was also the time that Hasbro's 500th Star Wars figure was just around the corner and awaiting release. There was no question on anyone's mind that it would definitely be another Vader figure, but how would it stand out from all the other releases? Check the pic below and see for yourselves:

This, my friends, is the 500th Star Wars figure. Hasbro nailed one of the most iconic scenes in Star Wars history - the Meditation Chamber of Darth Vader. If you remember that moment in The Empire Strikes Back, it's where Vader goes to recharge without the use of his helmet or suit, which he removes as well. It's a toy I never really got to appreciate thanks to the bewildering tag price it had back in 2005, but fortune smiled on me today when I was introduced to a bargain sale near GH. Among the many other toys and comics that were on display, my eye happened to catch this little bugger again... for about 1/4 the original price! I guess the saying "good things come to those who wait" really does exist... I plucked it out of the table immediately and brought it home. With that said, here's a little review I prepared to demonstrate it's awesomeness.

As a 3.75 inch figure, the SE Darth Vader isn't much of an intimidating toy to look at. However, the detailing is excellent for those worried about paint jobs and finishes. Being mass produced, chips and smears are expected, but I think I lucked out with the figure I chose. It's pretty impressive looking inside the dome, especially when you have the proper lighting beaming down on the figure, as the chrome and black parts reflect nicely.

I can't really speak on the articulation. First and foremost, this is one toy YOU DO NOT OPEN. It's a diorama representation of Vader's chamber scene from Episode V... so I don't see any reason WHY you should tear it up and dispose of the packaging (unless you are a kid). Really, there's no lightsaber to tinker around with, so it's a hopeless cause and a big waste if you make this figure loose.

Also, the dome is neatly placed on the packaging (which acts as a platform), and there's a lever you can pull up and down to reenact the moment where Vader's Helmet comes down to his scarred and topless head, which can be seen nicely btw, hehe.

In the end, SE Darth Vader is a great toy to add or start your Star Wars collection. Anyway you look at it, it's one heckuva decent collectible, so it's good for display at your room or a desktop with your computer and misc items in it. Price wise, I got it on a sale, so I suppose the demand and value of this novelty item has decreased substantially.. which is good for late bloomers and collectors who missed out on this opportunity. It's been four years since ROTS, so that's to be expected. If you manage to find one of these at a good price and you are a Vader fan, you owe it to yourself to pick this one up. The only flaw I see here is if you're looking for an action-figure... it's not supposed to be one. Overall, a worthy Star Wars item and a classy way to represent the 5ooth figure release of the series.
Paint - 5/5
Packaging - 4/5
Articulation - 2/5
Fun Factor - 4/5
Score - 4/5
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