In order to make the man, you have to recruit the man.

And that's what Marvel Studios did when they hired Oscar Award winning actor
Tommy Lee Jones to join the cast of next year's hotly anticipated superhero flick -
Captain America: The First Avenger!

As reported in, the man who has played several iconic roles in films such as
Men In Black,
Space Cowboys, and
The Fugitive, has now been confirmed officially in taking on the role of
US Army Colonel Chester Phillips, who was the man who recruited a young and feeble looking Steve Rogers into the secret US Army experiment known as "Project: Rebirth". According to Marvel, the character will be updated to reflect the changes in the film adaptation of the classic Cap origin story, and Tommy Lee Jones' presence just adds more fuel to this already superb superstar line-up of actors in the movie, which includes Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/ Captain America and Hugo Weaving as The Red Skull. For more info, check out
Captain America: The First Avenger bursts into theaters in July 22, 2011!
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