Last night's E3 was madness, and continuing on where I left off, there was one more company left that many gamers have been anxiously waiting to see show their stuff.

Next up, Jack comes back and talks about the aged old PS2. Even with its successors making trails this day and age, the aged old console is still alive and kicking some ass. Afterwards, he introduces a man named Peter Dille, who goes on to talk about Sony's new peripheral, the Playstation Move. The device is a wand-like device with a light up ball attached to it, and it works very much in the same fashion as Nintendo's Wii. A Playstation Move trailer was then shown, featuring famous Sony ad character Kevin Butler doing his thing to promote the Move, followed by a list of games that will support the device. Everyone was probably itching for a demonstration at this point, and they finally got it with a gameplay demo of a new game that was built with the Move in mind - Sorcery. It features a kid who can use his magic wand to cast spells, fighting monsters in a very Harry Potter-like style and manner. Later on, the young magician takes out and drinks a potion, which turns him into a rat and gives him the ability to traverse through obstacles blocking his way. While looking mighty generic for a PS3 title, it was very interesting to see, and the game is dated for a spirng 2011 release.
Another game for the Move was then demonstrated, this time being Tiger Woods PGA 2011. You can play and swing like a pro golfer in this one, and makes full use of the Move's capabilities. Afterwards, a surprise trailer was shown for a new game - Heroes On The Move. From the title itself, its gameplay places emphasis on PS Move, and the game features characters Ratchet, Sly, and Jak teaming up together for the first time! Quite a surprise, and a title Sony fanboys will definitely lookout for in the future!

The Playstation Conference then moved to another important aspect of the whole Playstation dynamic in today's terms - online content. Jack Tretton then noted that a new season of The Tester was on the works, followed up by the announcement that there will be exclusive content coming up from partnering up with companies like HBO and Nickelodeon. Playstation Home users also got some love with Jack announcing that an E3 Virtual World was now for Home visitors to explore in the event they missed E3 itself. Gameplay footage was then shown for Little Big Planet 2, one of the most anticipated sequels of the PS3 generation. With a gameplay demo shown by Alex Evans, the game had more content to boast than its predecessor, more specifically the ability to create your very own mini games, such as bump car crash courses and button pressing games! LBP2 even sported some "create your own video" segements, so this is definitely a must watch out for title!

Towards the tail end of the show, Mr. Tretton then went on to discuss more about the Playstation Network and how Sony will expand the content for its users. To this end, he introduced Playstation Plus - a premium service PS owners can subscribe to for $50 a year in order to get exclusive content and more extras for Playstation. Afterwards, trailers and gameplay footage were shown for more upcoming PS3 games by EA, which included the new Medal Of Honor and the hot looking survival horror sequel game Dead Space 2! However, the biggest surprise was the arrival of Gabe Newell, the man behind Valve Games' Portal, and surprise surprise, he formally announced that Portal 2 was coming to the PS3!

That pretty much wrapped up the entire Sony Press Con, and that was that for the big game companies and their keynotes on E3! Which was better? Well, Nintendo really stole the show with their presentations and the 3DS, but Sony and Microsoft did good as well. Take it as you will depending on your preference, but overall, everything was ok and fine for this year's E3 show. Check Kotaku for more details if you need more gaming news on the presentations and updates!
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