Creatures of the night come forth! Have a great All Hallow's Eve, folks!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
all hallow's eve,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Take a look at Tim Burton's "Superman Lives" costume!
Revealed to the public for the first time by FX man Steve Johnson via his Facebook and through movie blog site Screen Rant, Superpeeps can finally take a glance at a very different take of Superman's suit, which appears more Kryptonian and futuristic compared to the iconic Red and Blue we know.
This was also the movie where Nicholas Cage was supposedly tagged to play the famous DC hero, and the mold wearing the suit suggests that it could have happened had things sailed smoothly and Burton directed. Nic Cage has always been vocal about his big time adoration and fandom for Supes, and him playing the Man of Steel would have finally been his dream come true next to naming his own son "Kal-El" (Superman's Kryptonian birth name). Still, we can only imagine what could have been with these shots. For more pics, visit Steve's own FB album or see the feature article over at Screen Rant!
Nicholas Cage,
screen rant,
steve johnson,
superman lives,
tim burton
Friday, October 29, 2010
Captain America Update: More pics reveal classic shield and the Red Skull!
Right after dropping the bombshell that is the cover to the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, new pictures from the magazine itself have surfaced online, showing more stuff from next year's "Captain America: The First Avenger"!

Finally, we have two interesting pics bundled together. Above is a pic with a group of scientists, led by Dr. Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci), adjusting the Super Soldier device that will turn Steve Rogers into Captain America! And the last photo shows none other than actor Hugo Weaving as Johann Schmidt... aka The Red Skull! For more pics and details, visit the source article at Slash Film!
Captain America: The First Avenger throws his mighty shield this July 22, 2011!
As seen in movie blog site Slash Film, here are select images featuring Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/ Captain America. Looks like this is the first version of the "series of Cap uniforms" Chris will don through the course of the movie, and so far, it's looking good!
Here's a picture of him carrying the original triangular shield the hero uses way before he gets the iconic circular shield! It's great that director Joe Johnston and Marvel Studios incorporated this, showing how faithful they're trying to be with the source material!
Captain America: The First Avenger throws his mighty shield this July 22, 2011!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Captain America Update: EW shows off Chris Evans as Cap!
Via a post from comic sites Newsarama and Comic Book Resources, Entertainment Weekly has revealed the cover to their latest issue, sporting none other than Chris Evans himself all decked out and dressed as Steve Rogers, the man the world knows better as Captain America, for the upcoming 2011 superhero film "Captain America: The First Avenger"!

Woah, even without the mask on, Evans has a commanding presence with the way he looks in the cover, dressed in the WWII type Cap costume and holding the iconic shield with resolve. We've seen many still shots of Captain America: The First Avenger time and again, but this speaks volumes of how cool Chris will actually look in the costume. Now all the fans have to see is an official full size photo/ trailer of the complete costume in action and we're good to go! For more info, visit either Newsarama or CBR!
Captain America: The First Avenger springs into action on July 22, 2011!
Woah, even without the mask on, Evans has a commanding presence with the way he looks in the cover, dressed in the WWII type Cap costume and holding the iconic shield with resolve. We've seen many still shots of Captain America: The First Avenger time and again, but this speaks volumes of how cool Chris will actually look in the costume. Now all the fans have to see is an official full size photo/ trailer of the complete costume in action and we're good to go! For more info, visit either Newsarama or CBR!
Captain America: The First Avenger springs into action on July 22, 2011!
captain america,
chris evans,
the first avenger
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Batman 3 Update: The Dark Knight Rises!
According to movie news site Slash Film, Chris Nolan revealed in an interview with Hero Complex that the next Bat-flick would be titled "The Dark Knight Rises". Details have been so secretive that no one knew exactly what the next film's title was going to be, with "Shadow of the Bat" and "The Caped Crusader" among the list of guesses the fans made. Well, now that we have an official title, all that's left is to learn the official plot and who will be the big baddy Bruce Wayne's alter ego will face in the next sequel. Unfortunately, one rumor that can be debunked now is the appearance of The Riddler, whom Nolan says will NOT be in the film. Chris pointed out in the interview that he'll be using many of the same characters established in the last two movies, with some new ones being introduced in the new flick. That's kinda disappointing, especially since Inception actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt would have been perfect for the role in my honest opinion. His co-star however, Tom Hardy, was recently cast in the next Bat-flick, but he still hasn't been pegged a part, and more guessing games are going on with the fans concerning that mystery. Still, we'll probably find out more news soon enough now that a name has been given to Batman 3!
The Dark Knight Rises is slated for a July 20, 2012 release!
batman 3,
christopher nolan,
the dark knight rises,
the riddler,
Sony actually preps up a PSPhone!
I couldn't believe it til I saw the article today, but finally, Sony has merged gaming with cellphones!
As seen in an article posted by Kotaku, Sony has merged one of their Sony Ericsson phones with a Playstation Portable, creating the hybrid "Playstation Phone" prototype unit you see above you in a pic posted by Engadget. The tech is reportedly based off Google's own Android 3.0 platform, and will have a dedicated custom Sony Marketplace for users to download and purchase games for this unit. Call me skeptical, but I'm not totally sure if I want to merge my gaming and cellphone privileges with this gadget here. First off, there's no analog stick, and it's going to be replaced by a touch-sensitive track pad instead. Secondly, like the PSP Go before it, the PSPhone will not have any UMD or Memory Stick compatibility, so old PSP users can rule out any of their older stuff being used for this baby. Even with specs reported to be 1GHz Qualcomm CPU, 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, and a screen "in the range of 3.7 to 4.1 inches", I'm not sure if I'll be picking up a PSPhone just yet, which is said to be released fall next year. For more details, visit the source article over at Kotaku.
psp go,
sony ericsson
A Decade Of PS2 Goodness...
In the end, all that mattered was the games. Happy 10th Birthday PS2, and thanks for the good times!
10th anniversary,
Playstation 2,
video games
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
MGS4 + Castlevania PS3 Bundle Pack!
For more info, check out the post at Kotaku!
bundle pack,
guns of the patriots,
lords of shadow,
Metal gear solid 4,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Watch the South Park Inception parody "Insheeption"!
christopher nolan,
screen rant,
south park,
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Rumor: George Lucas plans to create a new Star Wars movie trilogy?!
Looks like the force is strong with rumors in the Star Wars universe!
Even if George Lucas is done telling the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker in the original Star Wars movies, he's far from done with the franchise that sealed his legacy in the world of science fiction and movies. Even with the news out that he'll be converting the original six movies into 3D, there's already a rumor that once that's done, the legendary film director is planning on creating a NEW TRILOGY of movies - one that doesn't star or have anything to do with the Skywalker family! As reported in i09's post, the rumor comes from, and it's a feeling of deja vu ala 1990, during the time when Lucas released Special Editions of the original Star Wars trilogy just before he made and released the prequel trilogy in 1999! Still, this is a rumor that has no confrimation yet whatsoever, and it'll be a long time before the 3D conversion for all the original movies is complete, which should be around 2015 or 2016. For more on the story, check out the source post at!
Even if George Lucas is done telling the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker in the original Star Wars movies, he's far from done with the franchise that sealed his legacy in the world of science fiction and movies. Even with the news out that he'll be converting the original six movies into 3D, there's already a rumor that once that's done, the legendary film director is planning on creating a NEW TRILOGY of movies - one that doesn't star or have anything to do with the Skywalker family! As reported in i09's post, the rumor comes from, and it's a feeling of deja vu ala 1990, during the time when Lucas released Special Editions of the original Star Wars trilogy just before he made and released the prequel trilogy in 1999! Still, this is a rumor that has no confrimation yet whatsoever, and it'll be a long time before the 3D conversion for all the original movies is complete, which should be around 2015 or 2016. For more on the story, check out the source post at!
george lucas,
new trilogy,
Star Wars
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Video Game Review: Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I
Sonic The Hedgehog is one of the characters in games I grew up loving and admiring, thanks in part to the simple side-scrolling gameplay and "Mario like" mechanics that accompanied his brash yet charming appearance in the games. Add to the fact that there were cartoons and comics starring the furry blue creature, and you have one hell of an iconic mascot for SEGA that continued to run in the forefront well until the gaming company decided to switch gears and cease console production, becoming a third part game developer instead. It was around that transition period that Sonic started to lose steam in the new adventures he starred in. The fanbase he garnered in the 2D games slowly whittled down in numbers, as his 3D adventures did little to bring back the "Sonic Flava" fans loved and adored through the 16-bit Genesis/ Mega Drive days. Fans desperately wanted a good Sonic game again, and it appears SEGA may have finally heard our cries, as the blue hedgehog returns with old school gameplay intact in his new and 4th official adventure!
episode 1,
sonic the hedgehog 4
Friday, October 22, 2010
Marvel and ESPN The Magazine team up for the NBA Preview issue! has released an image that shows The House of Ideas joint collaboration with ESPN The Magazine to produce artwork featured in this week's NBA Preview issue! That's right, that magazine, due in stores this Friday stateside, has NBA superstars like Kobe Bryant teaming up with Marvel's very own friendly neighborhood webslinger, Spider-Man, and the top artistic talents in Marvel today are the ones behind it! If the word "AWESOME" sums up fans' reactions to this, then this mag will surely be a hot seller! Check out for the full feature and details!
nba preview issue
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Take a look at the Daft Punk Tron Legacy Poster!
Slash Film and Walt Disney Pictures have released a new Tron: Legacy poster featuring none other than the hit French electronic dance group, Daft Punk! If the name sounds familiar, it should. After all, they're the ones that did great songs like "One More Time" and "Digital Love"!
The duo have a starring role in the upcoming December released film, and have also done the soundtrack for the movie as well! As a result, the new animated poster you see above features Daft Punk in Tron attire, and it was revealed in the Tron:Legacy official soundtrack's website. For more details on the movie and info on the soundtrack, which gets released on December 7th, visit Slash Film!
Tron: Legacy opens its doors to a video game world on December 17!
daft punk,
digital love,
slash film,
tron legacy
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The New Tron Legacy poster Revealed!
Yahoo! and Slash Film have posted the newest poster for Walt Disney's upcoming 3D sci-fi action flick sequel, Tron: Legacy. As a sequel to the 1982 film starring Jeff Bridges, Legacy brings the legendary actor back in his lead role of Kevin Flynn, while Garrett Hedlund plays the role of his son, Sam, who must search for his father inside a strange video game world that has imprisoned Kevin for the last 20 years. To be released this December, the film is getting promoted via Yahoo's "Tron Tuesdays" promotion, and this poster is the first of many promotional materials to be released eight Tuesdays before the movie's release. On a side note, Marvel Comics is also promoting the movie with a slew of variant "Tron" covers depicting their top characters in the Tron virtual world! You can check these heroes getting the Tron treatment in!
Tron: Legacy premieres in theaters this December 17!
jeff bridges,
slash film,
tron legacy,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Marvel announces Iron Man 3's release date!
For more info, visit.!
captain america,
iron man 3,
marvel studios,
the avengers,
the first avenger,
Sherlock Holmes 2 Update: Photos from the set via ComingSoon!
Movie news sites ComingSoon and Screen Rant have unveiled the first set photos of "Sherlock Holmes 2", which brings Robert Downey Jr. back in the titular role, along with Jude Law returning as his partner, Dr. Watson. Rachel McAdams is also rumored to return as Irene Adler, albeit in a smaller role than last time.
Directed once again by Guy Ritchie, the film will pick up where the first film left off, as Holmes attempts to outwit and challenge the new arch-nemesis he made in the first movie in the form of Professor Moriarty, who will be played by actor Jared Harris. Noomi Rapace is set to be the female lead, while Stephen Fry plays Holmes' estranged older brother, Mycroft Holmes. For more set pics and the gallery, check out ComingSoon!
Sherlock Holmes 2 opens in theaters December 16, 2011!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Happy 25 Years, Nintendo Entertainment System!
25th anniversary,
Bill Murray dons the Venkman suit once more at the 2010 Scream Awards!
Much like Michael J. Fox reprising his role of Marty McFly for a brief Back To The Future homage trailer for the Spike TV Scream awards, actor Bill Murray came out to wild cheers and fangasms, as he stepped into the Scream Awards dressed in full Ghostbusters attire, reprising his role as the egotistical headman of the group, Peter Venkman!
As seen in a post in Slash Film, this snapshot taken by Chris Pizzello shows Murray accepting the award for "Best Horror Movie" in the 2010 Scream awards for the horror comedy flick "Zombieland", in which he has a small role in. That aside, dressing as Venkman again has got to be one of the most awesome things Bill has done for his fans. Is it a sign that he'll be appearing in the much awaited Ghostbusters III? Hehe, we'll just have to wait and see.
bill murray,
scream awards,
slash film,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The New Green Hornet Poster Unveiled!
coming soon,
jay chou,
michel gondry,
seth rogen,
the green hornet
Saturday, October 16, 2010
More DC Logo Cover Goodness!
Super Street Fighter IV Update: The 3DS is getting Special Move Hotkeys...
Anyway, Super Street Fighter IV arrives in arcades this December and launches for the 3DS in Japan on February 26, 2011.
Friday, October 15, 2010
DC unleashes One Shot issues and variant cover madness this January!
On January 2011, DC Comics will releasing a series of of one-shot books circling around 4 key players in the DCU. These include Starman/ Congorilla, Shazam, Steel, and Congorilla, and solicitations are listed in via DC and posted in DC's blog The Source and comic book news site Newsarama.
However, the real treat is catching some unique variant covers that follow the same logo cover treatment the one-shots are using, and up above is the variant "one-shot type cover" to Batman Inc. #3! Possibly my favorite among the bunch, it spotlights the new costume of Bruce Wayne as Batman, with the redesigned logo above and the art illustrated by David Finch! Pretty rad, but Bats is not the only one to get the logo cover treatment. Fellow JLA members Superman, Flash, and Green Lantern also have their own variant covers, so be sure to check 'em out at the post over at Newsarama, and comic shops this January!
batman inc,
dc comics,
one shots,
variant covers
The Incredible Hulk is coming back to TV!
Watch out true believers. The Jade Giant is getting a new TV series soon!

Via movie news sites Deadline and Slash Film, it appears that Bruce Banner will once again have weekly adventures to pursue, as a new Incredible Hulk series is being developed by Marvel in ABC. Jeph Loeb, who's no stranger to the Hulk since he wrote recent stories of the Green Goliath as of late, has signed up as head of the project, tapping into his experience from his time as executive producer in Heroes. Of course, the new Hulk series will have nothing to do with the past films or original 1977 "The Incredible Hulk" TV series, but it's Marvel's chance to promote the character, especially with Mark Ruffalo signed in as the new Bruce Banner for the upcoming new Avengers flick, as well as a Hulk film of his own after the team's live action adventure. No date has been given as to when this series is coming, but stay tuned for more updates.
Now, if they can just get the great Lou Ferrigno to play or voice the Hulk again, that would be so awesome.XD
Via movie news sites Deadline and Slash Film, it appears that Bruce Banner will once again have weekly adventures to pursue, as a new Incredible Hulk series is being developed by Marvel in ABC. Jeph Loeb, who's no stranger to the Hulk since he wrote recent stories of the Green Goliath as of late, has signed up as head of the project, tapping into his experience from his time as executive producer in Heroes. Of course, the new Hulk series will have nothing to do with the past films or original 1977 "The Incredible Hulk" TV series, but it's Marvel's chance to promote the character, especially with Mark Ruffalo signed in as the new Bruce Banner for the upcoming new Avengers flick, as well as a Hulk film of his own after the team's live action adventure. No date has been given as to when this series is coming, but stay tuned for more updates.
Now, if they can just get the great Lou Ferrigno to play or voice the Hulk again, that would be so awesome.XD
slash film,
the incredible hulk,
tv series
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Batman 3 Update: Tom Hardy added to the cast!
Acoording to Deadline and several other movie news websites like Screen Rant, it appears that Inception and Bronson star Tom Hardy has been added to the cast of Christopher Nolan's 3rd Batman movie! This news is not a surprise to many, especially since Nolan directed Inception and has a knack for casting actors he has worked with on his previous films. It hasn't been confirmed who Hardy will be playing in the movie, but it's sure it'll be a lead role, and all signs are suggesting that it could be a villain. Knowing the actor's penchant for diversity, he'll do a great job in whatever role he's cast in. For more info and guesses, check out the article over at Screen Rant!
Batman 3 is due on July 12, 2012. Still plenty of time to wait and speculate!
batman 3,
christopher nolan,
screen rant
Prepare for the Back To The Future Reunion!
To promote the event and the reunion, Spike has recreated the original teaser trailer of the first film...with a surprise guest on it! Check it out here!
Alright! An aged Michael J. Fox reprises his iconic role as Marty McFly again!
For other details and factoids promoting BTTF and its legacy, check out the source article at Screen Rant! GREAT SCOTT!
back to the future,
christopher lloyd,
doc brown,
marty mcfly,
michael j fox,
scream awards,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Speed and Fun returns with Sonic The Hedgehog 4!
Finally, after months of waiting, the WAY PAST COOL HEDGEHOG IS BACK!!!

That's right! Sonic is back and doing his adventures the right and old school way in Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I! It's a downloadable game that's just been released for the iPhone, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, and all I can say is it's downright fun! It plays like my favorite classic Sonic games from the Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive days, and all I can say is I'm glad SEGA and Sonic Team decided to go back to this tried and true formula, adding only a pinch of 3D graphics to make this game look pretty and dashing in HD! Speeding through zones, saving roboticized friends, and crushing Dr. Eggman/ Robotnik never felt good to play and see again! Here's a stage I loved playing through early in the game - Splash Hill Zone: Act 3!
Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I Gameplay - Splash Hill Zone: Act 3
Now THIS is the Sonic I remember! Hehe, as you notice, this is just a reaction post and my excitement rolling here. Check back for the review sometime soon!
That's right! Sonic is back and doing his adventures the right and old school way in Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I! It's a downloadable game that's just been released for the iPhone, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, and all I can say is it's downright fun! It plays like my favorite classic Sonic games from the Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive days, and all I can say is I'm glad SEGA and Sonic Team decided to go back to this tried and true formula, adding only a pinch of 3D graphics to make this game look pretty and dashing in HD! Speeding through zones, saving roboticized friends, and crushing Dr. Eggman/ Robotnik never felt good to play and see again! Here's a stage I loved playing through early in the game - Splash Hill Zone: Act 3!
Now THIS is the Sonic I remember! Hehe, as you notice, this is just a reaction post and my excitement rolling here. Check back for the review sometime soon!
sonic the hedgehog 4
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Video Game Review: Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow
hideo kojima,
kojima productions,
lords of shadow,
video games
Monday, October 11, 2010
Batman Arkham City Update: More cool screenshots from Kotaku!
arkham city,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
NYCC 2010: The Invincible Iron Man becomes 500 this January!
NYCC 2010: Konami's X-men arcade game coming to PSN and XBL!
Yes, you heard right! X-MEN!XD
Revealed at the end of Marvel's video game panel over at the New York Comic-Con, the classic X-men arcade game developed by Konami in 1992 will FINALLY make its way home and over to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 via Playstation Network(PSN) and Xbox Live!(XBL) respectively! Known for allowing two to six players simultaneously depending on the arcade machine, the beat 'em up X-men game was a classic for its time, and is still memorable for its hilarious dialogue and speech! Check out the intro and gameplay just to see how it was and will be when it reaches consoles!
X-men Arcade Intro and Gameplay
The Konami X-men Arcade game will see release for the PS3 and Xbox 360 soon. Stay tuned for more updates!
Revealed at the end of Marvel's video game panel over at the New York Comic-Con, the classic X-men arcade game developed by Konami in 1992 will FINALLY make its way home and over to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 via Playstation Network(PSN) and Xbox Live!(XBL) respectively! Known for allowing two to six players simultaneously depending on the arcade machine, the beat 'em up X-men game was a classic for its time, and is still memorable for its hilarious dialogue and speech! Check out the intro and gameplay just to see how it was and will be when it reaches consoles!
The Konami X-men Arcade game will see release for the PS3 and Xbox 360 soon. Stay tuned for more updates!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
NYCC 2010: Marvel Vs Capcom 3's Official Story, 4 New Characters, and Alternate Spidey Costumes revealed!
NYCC 2010: DC prepares to get Batman Incorporated!
It may be the week of the New York Comic Con, but it's also the beginning of "The Road Home" for a certain Bruce Wayne, as it's already understood that he's finally made his return to the present after his time-traveling adventures. As a result, DC gears up and has released via The Source several posters of paving the way for "Batman: Incorporated", which will see Bruce Wayne AND Dick Grayson don the mantle of the bat and have the former travel the world to establish a global network of Batmen! Yes, it's on and it's now, and aside from the poster for "Batman: Dark Knight" you see above, here are the other new titles to expect from the new world of Batman!
batman incorporated,
dark knight,
detective comics,
new york comic con
Friday, October 8, 2010
Meet and Play as Kratos' Brother, Deimos, in God Of War III!
According to Kotaku and the official Playstation Blog, Deimos will be a downloadable skin that can be used in God Of War III in the PS3, available to those who purchase early copies of the upcoming PSP title, God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta! Unlike his well-known brother, Deimos will sport "enhanced combat damage and the ability to receive 4x the amount of Health, Magic, and God Orbs. Sounds like a mighty incentive worthy of a true Spartan player, and good enough reason to replay God Of War III again!
ghost of sparta,
God Of War,
God Of War III,
Sam Raimi to direct Oz: The Great and Powerful!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Batman gets Jim Lee and Brian Azzarello in Batman: Europa!
batman: europa,
brian azzarello,
jim lee
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Superman gets a new director... Zack Snyder!
According to a post over at Newsarama, Dawn Of The Dead (2004), 300, and Watchmen director Zack Snyder has reportedly been chosen by Warner Bros. to helm the latest reboot flick based on Superman! This is another major announcement for fans of The Man Of Steel, especially after the news broke months ago that The Dark Knight and Inception director Christopher Nolan was attached to produce the new Supes flick! David S. Goyer, who wrote the screenplay for Batman Begins, is attached to write the story for the film as well. That's an all star line-up assembled to produce a new movie for DC's Boy Scout hero, so here's looking forward to a new Supes film real soon!
christopher nolan,
warner bros,
zack snyder
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Video Game Review: Dead Rising 2
dead rising 2,
video games
Monday, October 4, 2010
Gametrailers whips out the "Castlevania Retrospective"!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Looking Forward To The Warrior's Way...
the warrior's way,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Micro Episode 10!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Micro Episode 9!
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