Friday, January 31, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier: New Character posters revealed by Yahoo! Movies

In what certainly will be the first of many more to come, Marvel Studios and Disney have released a slew of brand new character poster promoting their next upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film for "Phase 2" - Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

The film, a direct sequel that follows two years after the events of The Avengers, sees Cap adjusting to modern life and working for S.H.I.E.L.D and Nick Fury. He's paired up with fellow Avenger Black Widow and The Falcon, and together they embark on a quest to solve a conspiracy that could endanger the world... As well as the emergence of the mysterious assassin known as The Winter Soldier.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

DC Comics: The New NEW 52 Earth-2 Batman's identity has been revealed *SPOILER*

Released this week and already making some waves including in Newsarama, the long mysterious identity of the NEW New 52 Earth-2 Batman has been revealed in this week's Earth-2 Annual #2... And it's not much of a doozy given recent developments but SPOILER MODE nonetheless for those keeping tabs and reading the books.

You have been warned.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Lego Movie: New TV Spot introduces "Bruce Wayne"

If there wasn't enough already to be excited for with Phil Lord and Chris Miller's "The Lego Movie" come February, then this new TV Spot shakes things up a little by showing off not just the cast and crew highlighted by Emmet (Chris Pratt), Vitruvius (Morgan Freeman), Wyldstyle (Elizabeth Banks), and Batman (Will Arnet), but also various characters, superheroes, cats, villains... And Billionaire Bruce Wayne?!

The LEGO Movie - TV Spot 4 [HD]

And that pretty much says it all!

The Lego Movie, distributed by Warner Bros, opens in theaters on February 7, 2014!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Walking Dead: Mid-Season 4 "Not Afraid" promo video

Shuffling its way for a grand comeback two Sundays from now, AMC has released yet another new promo video promoting the mid-season return of their signature zombie tv series. The Walking Dead. Spotlighting Rick, Daryl, and the other survivors as they try to move on from the events of the Prison, this new short teaser video features a series of clips from the next half of Season 4.

Here's the embed, and for more info, visit the source post at Comic

The Walking Dead - Season 4 New Promo "Not Afraid"

The Walking Dead returns to AMC on February 9.

Monday, January 27, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past: 25 Empire Covers showcase the cast, mutants, and sentinels

With just a couple of months left until the movie hits theaters in time for the summer, 20th Century Fox and Marvel have paired with Empire Magazine to present not 1, 2, or 3 covers promoting Bryan Singer's next X-Men film... But 25 different cover photos of the different characters, mutants, and even The Sentinels appearing in "X-Men; Days of Future Past"!

Above is one of the covers, and it's the copy featuring one of Trask Industries elite Sentinel units... Which will no doubt play their part in "protecting humanity" from the "mutant threat" one way or the other. The other covers are expected to be revealed as the hours roll by. To check them out, visit the source post at Superherohype and Empire!

X-Men: Days of Future Past hits theaters on May 23, 2014.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Batman and Robin: Annual #2 looks at the original Dynamic Duo's first New 52 adventure

Before Forever Evil changed Dick Grayson/ Nightwing's world as we know it, a certain moment brought him and his mentor Batman/ Bruce Wayne together again to recall one of their first adventures as the original Dynamic Duo of Batman and Robin. Thanks to a conversation between Dick and the late Damian Wayne, Bruce finds something important left by his son prior to his loss, and summons his first protege to discuss and relive some key moments of their past.

Via Newsarama, here's the preview to Batman and Robin Annual #2, slated for release on January 29.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Walking Dead: A Look Ahead with the cast and crew at the rest of Season 4

Coming back in a about two weeks time and resuming where things left off, AMC has released a brand new video that looks ahead at what the fans, cast, and crew of The Walking Dead can expect once Season 4 comes back on February.

Courtesy of Superherohype, here's the very video, featuring the likes of stars Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) and Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) and show producers like creator Robert Kirkman and Greg Nicotero teasing what the survivors have to overcome now that they're scattered and divided following the loss of the prison. For more information, visit the source post at SHH.

The Walking Dead returns to AMC on February 9.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Batman: How would The Bat-Man be without Bill Finger?

It's The Batman's 75th Anniversary this year, and while we have a lot to thank artist Bob Kane for coming up with the concept of the character, there's another unsung hero and comic personality who deserves a lot of credit for making Bruce Wayne and what his Dark Knight alter ego is today... And that's none other than Bill Finger.

Via i09 and Comic Book Resources, illustrator Ty Templeton made a pretty convincing classic comic strip on how Batman would have looked if Bob Kane had gone ahead and created "Bat-Man" without Bill Finger. This is simply a must read!

And there you have it. Bill Finger's influence would make The Batman as how he is TODAY.

February 8 marks what would have been Finger's 100th Birthday. 2014 truly is The Year of The Bat indeed.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Son Of Batman: Cover Art and Release Date revealed

Following the release of the first trailer to the film accompanying "Justice League: War", Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment has revealed the official cover art and release date for their next DC Universe Animated Original Movie feature based on Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert's seminal Batman tale,  "Son of Batman".

Featuring the introduction and tale of Batman meeting his child prodigy with Talia al Ghul named "Damian Wayne" for the very first time, the animated feature is a adaptation of the 2006 storyline of the same name, except this time this version features Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, targeting Damian after seemingly eliminating his grandfather, Ra's Al Ghul. Trained to kill and use lethal force by the League of Assassins since his birth, can Batman prevent the son he never knew he had from using deadly force... Or getting himself killed in the process? For more information, visit the source post at World's Finest

"Son Of Batman" hits Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital Home Media on May 6, 2014, and on the year of Batman's 75th Anniversay.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

DC Comics: Superman: Unchained and Nightwing for The New 52 ends this April

What started out as a new a prospect title during Superman's 75th Anniversary last year will finally bite the bullet and call it quits, as DC Comics' official solicitations for April 2014 have pretty much confirmed that the Scott Snyder and Jim Lee series will be drawing to a close...

But the other big news is that Nightwing is actually ending. Following the news of mainstay series writer Kyle Higgins' departure, the comic that stars Dick Grayson will apparently see its end and be written by James Tynion IV... And is it because of whatever turns out in the aftermath of Forever Evil? We'll only have to wait and see how things turn out once everything is said and done.

For more on DC Comics' April 2014 solicitations, visit the source post at Bleeding Cool..

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Son Of Batman" DC Universe Animated Original Movie teaser trailer released

Created just in time to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of Batman this year, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have released the first teaser trailer for their next animated feature film under their "DC Universe Animated Original Movie" umbrella, and it's none other than the adaptation of Damian Wayne's origin and introduction to Batman's life in "Son of Batman".

Son of Batman 2014 - Trailer [720p]

Featuring new Batman voice actor Jason O'Mara (aka Albert Wesker from the Resident Evil live action movies) reprising his role following Justice League: War, "Son Of Batman" sees The Dark Knight meeting with his on/ off love interest/ enemy Talia Al Ghul (Morena Baccarin), who's seeking protection from the man who murdered her father Ra's Al Ghul (Giancarlo Esposito), Deathstroke The Terminator (Thomas Gibson). However she's not alone, as she properly introduces for the first time Batman/ Bruce Wayne's son, Damian (Stuart Allen). Can Batman keep his son in line, given that he's been raised by the League of Assassin's and trained to kill?

Adapted from the same storyline by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert, Son Of Batman is expected to be released on Early 2014.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Justice League: War: New "Superman Blu-Ray Pack" and two clips tease the action to come

Set to be released early next month in Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital Media, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment's next installment in their DC Universe Original Movie line-up will finally see the very first New 52 adventure imagined in animated film, as the first six issue story arc for Justice League entitled "Origin" gets its own movie with "Justice League: War"!

Via CosmicBookNews and the interwebz is a look at the one of the exclusive releases for the film, which is a Blu-Ray combo pack with a 4" New 52 Superman figurine included in the mix!

Justice League: War - "You're Real?"

Also, two small clips have been uploaded online by Warner Bros to tease the action to come, with the first clip showing Batman and Green Lantern's first meeting, and the other Wonder Woman attacking Darkseid's ParaDemons invading Earth!

Justice League: War - "Leave Them to Me" (Exclusive)

Justice League War comes out to home video and digital media on February 4!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Three new international "Spider-Man and/ VS Electro" posters debut online

Things are clearly going to go head-to-head when Peter Parker returns both in the big screen and to the Marvel Universe in comics proper, as big promotions and expectations are in full swing for The Amazing Spider-Man this year! That being said, Sony Pictures, Columbia Pictures, and Marvel have released THREE brand new international posters for Marc Webb's Spidey film sequel "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", featuring Andrew Garfield back as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man in his traditional inspired new costume and Jamie Foxx all charged up as the villainous Electro... And these two hotshots will go face-to-face come May this year!

Above of course is the "Face Off" poster between Spidey and Electro. There's something electrifying in the air alright.

Then we have Jamie Foxx as Electro, and boy does he look angry. Then the tagline "Enemies Will Unite" foreshadows the team-up between him and possibly the other villains featured in the sequel, which would be Rhino, Green Goblin, and/ or other mystery villains Oscorp may unleash? We'll find out soon enough when the movie comes out.

And of course how can we forget our friendly neighborhood webslinger himself? Charging into action and avoiding Electro's lightning bolts in an epic new poster!

For more on these international one sheets, visit the source post at Superherohype!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swings into theaters internationally on April 30 and on the US on May 2!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Batman Vs Superman: Warner Bros. pushes back film to May 6, 2016

Some very disappointing news has arrived for fans looking forward to the as of yet untitled "Man Of Steel" sequel with a working name "Batman Vs Superman", as Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment officially announced that the film will not meet its July 17, 2015 release date, and instead head for a May 6, 2016 release instead.

The reason, according to an article in Superherohype, states:

"the filmmakers time to realize fully their vision, given the complex visual nature of the story. The decision was made following the shift of the start of production to second quarter of this year."

And the full press release can be read via "Batman-News", which includes a note that Ben Affleck, who plays Batman/ Bruce Wayne in the film, injured his leg which delayed production.

Now that is a big BUMMER for those who were looking forward to a big year in 2015, which would not only have included this next DC film, but a ton of other heroic films and features as well, such as Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star Wars, and Jurassic World. "Batman Vs Superman", which would see Henry Cavill reprise his role as Superman/ Clark Kent, meets Batman/ Bruce Wayne played by Ben Affleck, putting the two iconic heroes side-by-side or against one another for the very first time in film. Fast and Furious star Gal Gadot was also cast as Wonder Woman/ Princess Diana of the Amazons, and the film is directec once more by Zack Snyder.

Expect the "Man Of Steel" sequel and seconf film in the DC Cinematic Universe with the new release date of May 6, 2016.

The Walking Dead: Mid-Season Premiere Trailer debuts online

Set to return this February and usher in a new dilemma for the scattered group of Rick Grimes, AMC has released a brand new trailer for their popular zombie drama TV Series "The Walking Dead", which picks right up after the devastating mid-season finale where The Prison was lost.

Aptly taking the same name of the tagline of the midseason poster "Don't Look Back", this new trailer highlights what to expect next... And what dangers and obstacles Rick, Carl, and the others will have to face in order to find sanctuary from the undead... If there is any that is.

The trailer is available in AMC's official Walking Dead page.

UPDATE: Now via Superherohype, here is a working embeddable player for outside territories.

The Walking Dead returns on AMC on February 9.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Walking Dead: Norman Reedus, aka Daryl Dixon, gets "Zombie Pranked" by fan and TWD crew

It's still a few weeks left until AMC resumes programming with the second half of the fourth season of their popular zombie series "The Walking Dead", but much promotion and dedication from the cast and crew behind the show has been ongoing. In fact, the TWD team recently travelled to Tokyo, Japan for a special promo tour to spread awareness for the oncoming new batch of episodes in the international market, and that includes stars Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus on the entourage, better known by their onscreen personas of Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon.

Now during a media promotion segment with Reedus, he gets a BIG WALKER SURPRISE in the form of a fan named Nick Santonastasso, a 17-year kid with a rare condition called "Hanhart" where he has only one arm and no legs. That doesn't deter the young fan however, who dresses up as a zombie and gets his chance to prank one of his idols in The Walking Dead, courtesy of Andrew "Rick Grimes" Lincoln and Executive Producer and zombie make-up artist Greg Nicotero!

Below is the video showing the entire hilarious "Punk'd" styled segment, courtesy of Fox Television's #getFOXed program and posted on

Nick Santonastasso zombie pranks Norman Reedus

The Walking Dead returns on February 10!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

SPOILER: The seeds of Peter Parker's return on ASM #1 have been planted in Superior Spider-Man #25

This week, Marvel releases The Superior Spider-Man #25, bringing an end to the "Darkest Hours" storyline , Superior Venom, and planting the "seeds" for the inevitable return of Peter Parker as your Friendly Neighborhood Webslinging hero, which was confirmed by Marvel (via Newsarama) with the official announcement that The Superior Spider-Man #31 (cover seen above) would be the FINAL ISSUE in the series featuring Doctor Octopus in Peter Parker's body, which would then see Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos relaunching "The Amazing Spider-Man #1" on April.

However, the BIG question remains... How will Peter come back? Well, the SPOILERS have hit all around the interwebz, and Bleeding Cool has featured a post on it which has the revealing pic after the jump...

SPOILER ALERT AGAIN. Read at your own risk.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ominous cover to "Batman #28" foreshadows strange things to come...

The future looks ominous for Batman... And that's the biggest understatement of the year given it's the character's 75th Anniversary this 2014. However, one of the issues intended to be part of the ongoing "Zero Year" saga has not been fitted with a different purpose... To give dedicated Bat-Fans a glimpse of what may possibly transpire with Caped Crusader beyond what we see in the present DC Comics New 52 timeline today.

As Newsarama teased in their post, current and popular Batman writer Scott Snyder's got something teased for Batman readers in the special February issue of "Batman #28", which will not only give everyone a look at what's to come in the upcoming weekly "Batman: Eternal" series, but also something... drastic and SPOILERISH that even looks more out of the ordinary than what is accustomed to Batman lore. A prison cell with a Bat key lock attached to it? What could it mean?

Several theories come to mind that aren't pretty, but it definitely means there's more to things than meets the eye, and possibly the introduction of a new Bat character as Snyder promised may also clue in eagle eyed readers.

Anyway you look at it, it's best left until February 12 to know what "Batman #28" has in store for us. For more info and theories to ponder on, visit the source post at Newsarama.

The Amazing Spider-Man: Alex Ross variant for ASM #1 debuts on February Previews cover

With the return set and officially confirmed by Marvel itself, Newsarama has debuted a1st look at another brand new cover for the upcoming relaunch of "The Amazing Spider-Man" this April, illustrated and done by none other than comic book artistic legend, Alex Ross!

Featured in the cover of the upcoming latest issue of Previews this February, the new variant cover for Peter Parker's return to the spotlight sees Spidey front and center, with threads from his past playing in the background and pretty much confirming it's our original Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man back in the saddle!

Alex Ross' cover is but the latest in what is sure to be a spectacular set of multiple covers. Featured above is another by Marcos Martin, and as seen previously, one by regular Spidey series artist, Humberto Ramos.

The Amazing Spider-Man #1 sees Peter Parker returning on April!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

DC Comics: Batman Vs Bane after Forever Evil... And Wally West returns in April!

It's BIG NEWS in the world of comics, and in the universe of DC Comics, some things are coming to a head and returning in a very BIG way that's sure to excite fans of Batman and The Flash altogether.

First off, is the return of the long lost successor to Barry Allen's mantle of The Flash, his own nephew Wally West... Who returns this April (FINALLY) in a new storyline beginning in The Flash Annual #3. However, it's not yet known HOW or WHY he returns... And his absence for three years since The New 52 began had fans craving for his comeback. Now they get their wish, courtesy of writers Robert Venditti and Van Jansen and artist Brett Booth... With a new Blue Costume for the second speedster in Modern DC Universe to carry the title "The Flash". For more about the story and 2014 being the year of big things for "The Flash", visit the source post at USA Today.

And now the second item sees "Two Batmen" coming to blows, as Bruce Wayne returns to reclaim his spot as the "One True Batman" after Bane unofficially stepped in to use the symbol during the events of "Forever Evil: Arkham War". It's Batman vs Bat-Bane in a clash that happens in the Aftermath of the event, as Comic Book Resources gives us a look at the cover to "Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman Vs Bane #1"!

Look forward to these moments in DC Comics come April!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Game Of Thrones: HBO unleashes the first full trailer for Season 4

HBO is ready to continue with the ongoing Medieval Fantasy saga born from the imagination of George R.R Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series of novels, as the fourth season of the epic "Game of Thrones" TV Series finally unleashes the first full length trailer for the upcoming new batch of episodes! Based on the second half of "A Storm of Swords", the war for the Iron Throne gets more intense, and the different factions around Westeros as well as the journeys and conflicts between many individuals continues onward... While an ancient force continues to gather its forces and invade the land of the living.

Game of Thrones Season 4: Trailer #1 (HBO)

Game of Thrones Season 4 starts on April 6 on HBO!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Marvel officially confirms Peter Parker's return in relaunched "The Amazing Spider-Man" series for Marvel NOW!

Well NOW it's pretty much official... Peter Parker is INDEED coming back this April in a new "The Amazing Spider-Man" ongoing, and following the leaked cover of a Marvel NOW! Previews issue for March-April earlier this week, the House of Ideas has officially announced via word from The New York Daily News that the one and only webslinger is returning this April for a brand new relaunched series, with Pete back in control of his body.

But the lingering questions are how did he return? And what happens to Doctor Octopus' reign as The Superior Spider-Man? Those legitimate concerns coming from the comic book world were addressed by none other than Spidey writer Dan Slott himself, who's going to pen the new ongoing and team up with fellow Spider-Man comic veteran and artist, Humberto Ramos.

Via, The New York Daily News and Comic Book Resources, Slott was interviewed and reflected on the fact that Peter was, for all intense and purposes "dead" during Ock's run as Spidey. He acknowledges that the big game changer he implemented a year ago was challenging.

"To do that for a solid year of my life, that’s the hardest thing I’ve had to do -- to look small children in the eye at a convention and lie to them. One of them with an honest-to-God Little League uniform and a quivering lip. Inside, part of me was dying.”

And despite the "Superior" change, now it's on the mill that Pete's comeback is inevitable, and it's not purely coincidental that it happens to fall around the same time that Marc Webb's Spider-Man film sequel, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", comes out in theaters this coming May.

"We did it this way because no one was expecting it. Everyone out there assumed we'd have a big reveal later. People thought we'd bring Peter back in a year's time -- or right before the next Spider-Man movie," Slott said of the ghostly Peter Parker shortly after the debut of "Superior Spider-Man" #1. "Everyone was so savvy with how this all works that I thought the best way to keep people off their game was to just put that card on the table right from the get go. You're all so sure it was coming -- Well? Here it is! But if you think that's all there is, get ready to be wrong."

So there you have it... Peter Parker is returning... But will it be something expected? We'll find out in the coming months ahead as we count down to the "end" of Superior Spider-Man... And The RETURN of The Amazing Spider-Man!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

DC Comics: Sinestro gets his own New 52 ongoing this April

Those who've been steadily following Green Lantern and its comics during and after the Geoff Johns era may want to pay attention to the latest news from DC Comics, as a prominent face from the mythos is getting his own very own ongoing series come April, just around the time the big DC Comics New 52 event "Forever Evil" ends.

That's right... THAAL SINESTRO is coming back in his own ongoing comic book series, appropriately titled "Sinestro" and beginning this coming April. Written by Cullen Bunn and illustrated by Dale Eaglesham, the new book sees the former Green Lantern and Yellow Lantern in a hard and desperate setting, possibly reinforced by whatever happens in the conclusion of Forever Evil. After Geoff Johns run saw him lose everything he holds dear, Sinestro's only left with the one thing that's driven him since he began his mission: Fear. Joining him in the book will be his one time ally/ enemy Lyssa Drak, and one has to wonder where everything leads to in the entire setting of the Emotional Spectrum and DC Universe. For more information, visit the source post at Newsarama and DC's official Green Lantern Facebook page.

SINESTRO begins on April this year!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Marvel Movies: Ben Kingsley returns in "All Hail The King" & Quicksilver revealed for X-Men: DOFP

"You'll Never See Me Coming..." And those words make a lot of sense for those who have been anxiously waiting on news on two fronts of the Marvel Movie film spectrum - That of the new one-shot film "All Hail The King" attached to the Blu-Ray release of Marvel Studios Thor: The Dark World, and the look of Evan Peters as Pietro Maximoff... aka Magneto's son and Mutant Speedster, Quicksilver!

Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, we get our first details on what "All Hail The King" actually is, and while many thought it was a Thor Spin-Off featuring Tom Hiddleston as Loki, it actually follows the pattern many Marvel Studios films have done, which peaks at an episode related to the events of a previous film. Now it's continuing a thread that dangled on "Iron Man 3"... The whereabouts of Trevor Slattery, the British actor who portrayed the faux "Mandarin" and played by Sir Ben Kingsley!

"Ben Kingsley’s dim-witted Mandarin impersonator from Iron Man 3, who has been locked away in a maximum security prison and is reveling in his newfound infamy. (It’s as close to fame as he’s ever gotten.)"

Directed by Iron Man 3 screenplay writer Drew Pearce, here's what the man had to say:

"Imagine a real terrorist organization whose beliefs were long held and religious for thousands of years, and imagine a drunk, British actor coming along and essentially telling the world that he’s the face of your organization. I think they would be right to be quite angry."

And what exactly holds next for a fake terrorist inside a maximum security prison? Who knows? but it may build to the events for a succeeding Iron Man sequel if ever!

Meanwhile, a new image has popped up for Bryan Singer's return to directing the X-Men film franchise with this year's X-Men: Days of Future Past! Featuring Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine and Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy reprising their roles as the younger versions of Magneto and Professor X, this pic also happens to show for the very first time Evan Peters as Quicksilver! How he fits in this scene is still a mystery, but it could possibly be breaking his younger and future father out... And how is Xavier still walking after the events of X-Men: First Class? We can only wait until the film hits this May! For more information, visit the source post at Superherohype!

All Hail The King is packed along the Blu-Ray release of Thor: The Dark World, which hits on February 25!

X-Men: Days of Future Past unleashes itself on theaters on May 23, 2014!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man: ASM 2 International Posters and Peter Parker returns on new ASM comic series on April!

Looks like it's going to be a big welcome ceremony for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man come April-May season this year, as not only has Sony Pictures, Columbia Pictures, and Marvel roll out three BRAND NEW international posters to promote the webslinger's return to cinema with "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", but the House of Ideas commemorates that occasion by bringing the very man who's been "dead" for over a year back... As writer Dan Slott and artist Humberto Ramos confirm that Peter Parker IS Spider-Man again with the relaunching of "The Amazing Spider-Man" series in Marvel NOW!

As you see above, Pete's coming back, and one has to wonder how Otto Octavius and "The Superior Spider-Man" will end after the pivotal storyline "Goblin Nation". We can only wonder. For more on the story and the revealing image of Peter's return above, visit the source post at Comic

Courtesy of Columbia Pictures PH, here are three new posters promoting the action to come.


"Spidey Vs Electro"
"Upside Down"

With Andrew Garfield reprising his role as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man, Marc Webb returns to direct the sequel, with the Web-Slinger facing Electro (played by Jamie Foxx) and a whole slew of enemies, while balancing his time with Gwen Stacy (reprised by Emma Stone) and the return of an old friend in Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan).

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters on April 30 in the RP and May 2 in the US!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Marvel unveils its Big Watcher Murder-Mystery Event of 2014 with "Original Sin"

Looks like one of Marvel's seemingly immortal figures will buy the big one this 2014... And it's up to the entire Marvel Universe to find out who killed him!

Via and USA Today, the new big event will be called "Original Sin", and deals with the death of a being known to many as "The Watcher". Written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Mike Deodato Jr., this miniseries will see cosmic being and observer of realities known as Uatu The Watcher murdered on his home planet of the Moon, leading to Earth's heroes to find out who killed him and why. Led by none other than the original Nick Fury of Earth-616, heroes like Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and Wolverine search for the murderer, while a separate group consisting of The Punisher, Dr. Strange, Emma Frost, Black Panther, and Ant-Man. Tie-ins and supplementary issues are expected to begin alongside the core miniseries this coming May, but a "zero issue" featuring Nova and a re-introduction to Uatu will be released on April, written by Mark Waid and art by Jim Cheung.

With Uatu's death coming up, this will spell big ramifications on the Marvel Universe as we know it. After Infinity and Inhumanity, it's now a mystery that's itching to be solved and may lead to something even bigger down the line in the months ahead. For more information, visit the source post at,  Newsarama and USA Today.

Original Sin begins with issue #0 this April and #1 this May!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Batman: DC Comics releases preview for "Detective Comics #27" anniversary issue

Set to come out this week and commemorating the 75th Anniversary of The Caped Crusader himself, DC Comics has released via USA Today and comiXology a six-page preview for the big mega-sized New 52 edition of "Detective Comics #27", which features an all-star cast of writers and artists all dedicated to honoring the 75th year of The Batman!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The LEGO Movie: Lego Superman flies into the latest poster!

With a month to go until the lovable blocks fill into theaters around the world, Warner Bros. has released a brand new SUPER poster for The LEGO Movie... Featuring none other than the "Man Of Steel" himself, Superman!

Voiced by Channing Tatum (Duke from the G.I.Joe movies, Magic Mike, and 21 Jump Street fame), Supes will be joining Batman (Will Arnett), other DC characters, as well as the unique cast of Lego characters voiced by Chris Platt, Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, and even Liam Neeson on an adventure like no other! For more pictures and details, visit the source post at Coming Soon!

The LEGO Movie assembles in theaters on February 7!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

SyFy posts 15 Minutes of their upcoming 2014 show "Helix"

It's a new year and a new start for many things... And Syfy and Star Trek/ Battlestar Galactica producer Ronald D. Moore are about to present something interesting for viewers who thrive on Science Fiction and Thriller, as a brand new series by Cameron Porsandeh makes its way to television this month with the aptly named title "Helix".

Headlined by actors Billy Campbell and Hiroyuki Sanada, Helix tells the story of a group of scientists from the Center for Disease Control who travel to a research facility in the Artic to investigate a possible outbreak, only to find themselves caught in a terrifying situation that will lead to "mankind's salvation of total annihilation". Imagine The Thing meets Prometheus meets The Walking Dead, and you've got some interesting material and tension to work with here as man's tampering with science leads to devastating consequences.

Via their YouTube page and Bleeding Cool, Syfy has released the first 15 minutes of this new series in YouTube for viewers to get a taste of.

Helix Season 1: First 15 Minutes
Catch Helix on Syfy when it premieres on January 10, and on international channels on its scheduled dates!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: Marvel tweets new image featuring Victoria Hand

Looks like things are going to get deadly serious for Agent Phil Coulson and his crew of special agents when ABC and Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." return from their hiatus, as not only does the mystery of Coulson's resurrection and his rescue loom in the horizon, but also the fact that there may be more going on behind-the-scenes than the peacekeeping organization is willing to let on... And this new image tweeted by Marvel shows one of the heads, Victoria Hand, marching with troops behind her for some serious confrontation.

Now how does this play into the upcoming mid-season premiere episode "The Magical Place"? We'll just have to see next week when the show returns on January 7!

Catch Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. every Tuesdays on ABC.

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Walking Dead: Mid-Season 4 Poster featuring Rick and Carl Grimes revealed

After the shocking events of the mid-season finale of AMC's The Walking Dead, it's going to be a long and hard road for Rick Grimes, his son Carl, and their fellow survivors when they return from their hiatus come next month.

With that comeback looming on the horizon, AMC has released the Season 4 mid-season poster for the show, featuring father and son walking down a railroad and the words "Don't Look Back" painted right on the sky.

SPOILERS after the jump to discuss what took place and thoughts on what direction the protagonists are heading into.

Marvel: Deadpool is getting MARRIED?!

HOLY CHIMICHANGA... The Merc With The Mouth is getting HITCHED!

Having planned and teased a BIG WEDDING event for April 2014, Marvel has revealed what all the hubbub was about... And it's none other than Wade Wilson himself, aka Deadpool, tying the knot with a mysterious bride-to-be!

Those following the insane mutant's adventures will probably be most aware of current events happening to ol' Wade, but Marvel is building this up as a "Big Event", so who knows what misadventures will happen to DP before he steps up the altar with the love of his life? And check out the ENTIRE Marvel Universe looking on in the poster above, including Wade's own Deadpool Corps!

It could also be a Red Herring and it DOES fall on April Fool's month... So Who Knows?!

 For more information, visit the source post at Comic Book Resources and Marvel!